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Exclude all aCKa and [ESP] servers from the public servers list
Not so long ago, I have found that I was permabanned at all the aCKa and [ESP] "public" servers. I was totally sure that I have never used any kind of cheating and never performed any kind of abusive behavior, so I was unsure of the reason. My mistake was to take it personally. Later then, I saw some complains from several other players who were permabanned at these servers too, so I've decided to do some investigation.

Using IP addresses from Netherlands and Sweden and various nicknames, I have found that aCKa and [ESP] servers probably ban IP ranges of significant parts of the world, thus they can not be called "public" anymore. There's no need to keep them in the worldwide public servers list. If they want to be visited by only trusted members, please let them act as usual private servers and do not flood the master servers list with useless grey lines.
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Complain with that clan, not here...
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It's PERROS doing his best for the community
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NL has a rangeban? Thought we were too small for that
i can still play there so technically its still worldwide :)

Must be cuz NL rekt Spain in the WC2014 lol

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I am blacklisted on the same servers on some days and I live in the UK. It is an irritant. But it is not as bad as when I first started playing AC and I was blacklisted on half the servers for having the same IP as a player named as0m.
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you havent played ac until you're banned on at least 3 servers, at least once banned from the forums, and your clan is nick name blacklisted on at least 3 servers.

its a main part of end-game ac
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(31 Oct 14, 11:11PM)Waffles Wrote: you havent played ac until you're banned on at least 3 servers, at least once banned from the forums, and your clan is nick name blacklisted on at least 3 servers.

its a main part of end-game ac

When did you get banned from the forum?
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(31 Oct 14, 11:26PM)Marti Wrote: When did you get banned from the forum?

iirc when Undead got banned he said something like #FreeUndead or #BanWaffles so he got banned for like a week.

btw Perros just bans whoever he likes and it's kinda stupid. As soon as an idiot gets power of some sort, it goes to his head like strong drink. I wouldn't take any type of personal offence to it. I'm not really one to condone circumventing bans in any normal scenario, but in this case if I wanted to play on his server I'd feel like it's completely justified to use a VPN to evade his ban.
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Pff and i only get warningpoints for stupid stuff ffs
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I had same problem; banned....but I thought it was because of my prolific teabagging.
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Quote:Must be cuz NL rekt Spain in the WC2014
rename to Roben can have the consequences... :P

I am sorry you are blacklisted, you can use deban password or some proxy. Or in the server list press F1 and there is info how to filter the servers, it helps you to erase our servers from your list, or you can delete them in server.cfg directly. For deban password contact Perros please.

Default hiding such servers can be misleading for some locations, it can be about one cheater in the central blacklist, i propose to show the reason of ban in the server info, in the reason should be the name of player, date and admin contact.
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Does PERROS even check this forum anymore?
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(01 Nov 14, 12:20AM)Marti Wrote: Does PERROS even check this forum anymore?

How can he post half-related half-retarded memes about the forum without checking at it?
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That was months ago

Actually i checked and his last visit was in July

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(31 Oct 14, 07:56PM)Skinny-Dog Wrote: Complain with that clan, not here...

He is not asking for a deban. He want the server to be removed from the masterserver. So I guess he is at the right place.

But the answer will be no. It seems that perros is a well known admin abuser and if nothing as been done until now, things are not gonna change. He must be protected by some importants guys in the game.
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lol Halte
Anyways, it would be difficult to remove those crappy servers, some people want and others not: "Just remove it from your server list".
He has friend that have power in this game, so no possibility to crush him.
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I thought you were finished in AC, AeGis:

Also, I like perros' servers. They play maps I actually like.
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Nothing has been done thus far because "he pays for it, he can do what he likes"

I do not disagree. Don't play there if you've got problems or are banned. No harm no foul.
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(02 Nov 14, 05:43PM)Music Wrote: I thought you were finished in AC, AeGis:

he quit AC like 10 times already lol

i dont think he knows what the words 'leaving' and 'quit' mean..
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(02 Nov 14, 06:22PM)Waffles Wrote: Nothing has been done thus far because "he pays for it, he can do what he likes"

I do not disagree. Don't play there if you've got problems or are banned. No harm no foul.

It's not about money. There are so many empty servers in the server list who could do the job. AC cares a lot about maps quality but not about servers quality. If a map is somehow a good overview of the game for a new player, so is the server he is playing in. Not being able to use the regular voicecom or to talk won't give him a positive feedback. Some server people were paying for have already been banned in the past.

Make the server private seems to be fair.
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(02 Nov 14, 09:38PM)Halte Wrote: It's not about money. There are so many empty servers in the server list who could do the job. AC cares a lot about maps quality but not about servers quality. If a map is somehow a good overview of the game for a new player, so is the server he is playing in. Not being able to use the regular voicecom or to talk won't give him a positive feedback. Some server people were paying for have already been banned in the past.

Make the server private seems to be fair.

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Halte Wrote:There are so many empty servers in the server list who could do the job.
Exactly but the question is why they are empty if Perros' servers are so crappy.

Halte Wrote:He must be protected by some importants guys in the game.
Nope, you just need more demos and screenshots and proofs, this forum chatting is useless. He just uses the blacklists which btw i don't like.

Waffle Wrote:"he pays for it, he can do what he likes"
you know it is not true, in past there were some banned servers, on the other hand there were also used large blacklists and everything was right. For example against Brazil.

He is just honey-pot for the mess, the blacklist is his protection, i often said him, fuck it and enjoy the life. If he did something bad as admin and will get caught, i hope he gets the life finally.
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(03 Nov 14, 12:00AM)Alien Wrote: Exactly but the question is why they are empty if Perros' servers are so crappy.
Perros servers /aren't/ crappy. They play like actual maps. There is maybe a total of one bad map in his custom server maprot. That's it. No twin towers. No camper.

(03 Nov 14, 12:00AM)Alien Wrote: you know it is not true, in past there were some banned servers, on the other hand there were also used large blacklists and everything was right. For example against Brazil.
It is true though. He pays the bill, he can do whatever the Hell he wants. That being said, the devs reserve the right to remove any and all servers as they see fit from the MS as well..
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Does he provide deban passwords?
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Music wtf... thank god I don't play and wht the hell you showed that huh? Good BoB member
Marti shut your mouth, you don't get it too, stay away from me tosser
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(03 Nov 14, 01:11PM)Skinny-Dog Wrote: Marti shut your mouth, you don't get it too, stay away from me tosser

Well there goes my OTP.
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(03 Nov 14, 01:11PM)Skinny-Dog Wrote: Marti shut your mouth, you don't get it too, stay away from me tosser

Hmm weird english lessons they have in Costa Rica, learning what a tosser is but not what leaving/quitting/stopping means, i feel sorry for you.

I dont know whats going on in your brain but iirc you are the one that made multiple posts claiming you were going to stop playing ac. The fact that you come back here make it seem you dont get what stopping means. Furthermore, i am an AC player so i am somewhere a part of AC. If you stop AC, you will not have to deal with me. But this forum is also a part of AC aka you will have to deal with me all day every day since you dont know what stopping is.

You really shouldnt try to offend people because you are the one that is the fool here.

Let me explain me your situation in a small roleplay:

You: hi guys i leave ac kbyethx
Everyone: lol who is this guy, bye

3 days later

You: lol hey guys im back
Everyone: lol w/e still dont know who this is

A week later

You: im leaving ac again for some reason
Everyone: oh lol is that noob that no one knows, the one that left ac but came back within a week, what a weirdo.

1,5 week later

Everyone: ffs we dont give a fuck. If you say youre leaving for the love of god leave for good.

Week later

You: ok i leave for good now bye
Everyone: praise the lord, finally. Now gtfo and dont come back for real

Moment of silence

You: im posting because i leave ac but not the ac forum because im a stupid idiot who doesnt know what leaving means
Everyone: ffs will this guy ever quit? What does one have to do to get this guy to finally leave for good? Buy the biggest ISP in Costa Rica and ban internet for the whole country???? My god.. What a retard.

And that pretty much is what has happened to you

For the love of god if you leave, then leave. If you stay, dont cry everytime i or someone else will remind you that you have stopped multiple times already

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(03 Nov 14, 01:11PM)Skinny-Dog Wrote: Music wtf... thank god I don't play and wht the hell you showed that huh? Good BoB member
Marti shut your mouth, you don't get it too, stay away from me tosser

Not trying to insult you, man. Just a bit surprised you are still here. You seem to really dislike AssaultCube. I don't know why you are here causing yourself pain if you don't like it. You know I supported you not leaving AssaultCube, and yet you still want to leave. To put Marti's post into perspective, you've left AC at least three times to my knowledge. I support you either way, but you should know that the more you say you're leaving but still post/play the more you are going to be laughed at -- especially here on the forums. There was a time I completely retreated within Pi because the forums were getting to me. If you really do like AssaultCube but don't like the community, then find a nice clan (it doesn't have to be competitive!) and just play with them. Find a clan that matches your schedule, find one that you don't have to be completely active in. If you do so, you can play AC and not cause yourself pain here.
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Stop giving him attention and he'll stop coming back.

To answer stef,
I believe he has in the past. No idea how to even contact him anymore (not that I've tried).

As far as I could tell when helping admin his servers when he was involved with BoB, he can be reasonable but also can fly off the handle quickly. Most of the problems people run into with Perros is intentionally provoking him. I get tired of trolls pretty fast, and unfortunately the trolls are the ones who spend their resources to make it look like their IPs are unlimited leading to large bans.

Does he react poorly, yes all the time.

Stop subjecting yourself to it if you disagree and move on.

If you want change, stop engaging him negatively and realize you are part of the problem.

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@Waffles: he only part of your post I agree with is that everyone should move on, although I'd say that's just because perros can't have a reasonable discussion with anybody and thus it's probably not worth trying to communicate with him in any type of civilised manner, since you'll just be met with rudeness or no response at all.

For anyone who wonders why I'm so bitter, I was blacklisted about 2 years ago because I'd ask people for inters on the BoB ladder. When I tried to discuss it with him, he said "pqp" and disconnected from irc. I then later found out he'd blocked the word "inter" on all BoB servers (perros wasn't even a BoB member) and amended my blacklist entry to say that I had "bad behaviour" or something, the worst thing I probably did was teabag somebody which for some reason makes perros, a grown man, incredibly irate. Maybe someone dunked their testicles into his mouth when he was a kid and seeing it happen again in any form invokes some kind of trauma? idk.
Anyway since it's been 2 years and I'm still on his blacklist (I care more about the principle behind the ban rather than the ban itself) I'm completely done with respecting Perros in any way, shape or form. I completely acknowledge the fact that he also does ban people for legitimate reasons, but about half of the people he's banned overall most likely do not deserve it.

I agree 100% with Halte's post (who is he btw?), he can run his tyrannical spanish inquisition any way he likes, just ban it from the MS. I've heard of 3 separate people trying to contact perros about being banned on this server simply because they share my IP range, or one of my old ranges, and I'm sure there have been more cases than just mine.

To finish I'll leave you with some memes da real viking made a while ago.

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