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worst ragers?
After listening to vanquish play sauer with his teammate and playing a few games with, it reminded me of all the magnificent ragers ive played with.

On the top of my list is myself.

Followed of course by lovely teammates (and sexy)

Then ofc vanquish

The only reference I have is how people react to me in game.

Fantastic ragers. Share your stories and good quotes!
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(04 Mar 14, 12:42AM)Waffles Wrote: Share your stories

Larry made HeRa cry back in aG times. a story he vigorously denies :D
I think playing with Larry in aG times is the reason I rage sometimes too. He isn't so bad now but on his peak he was by far the worst rager I've seen in AC, maybe even comparable to some Sauerbraten ragers. I'll also admit that I was a pretty bad rager back when I used to be good at the game. I'm calmer now but I still get frustrated when teammates do retarded shit that they know is stupid but they do it anyway.

Anyway I digress. Not including players from other games...

List of people who have raged the most whilst being in my team:
- Larry
- Jason
- Vault
- Melone
- Pyras

List of people who have raged the most whilst I've played against them:
- Larry
- Jason
- Vault
- Melone

List of people who I have been told are ragers but never heard it for myself:
- Haittah
- Enam
- OpTic
- fundog
- aNy
- Undead

List of people who are silent on TS but bitch like two year olds in game:
- Marti

List of people who are surprisingly calm:
- Harrek
- Horus
- Redbull
- Xemi
- Mystered
- Xenon
- Jorik (used to rage quite badly but has since calmed down a lot)

Also, an example of Sauerbraten rage:
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- Analpanda
- Harrek
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chill the fk out
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Surprised no one mentioned Shorty, I remember him raging pretty hard a while back. Also, Analpanda.
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shit man how did i forget vault.

with me he was always fairly calm. maybe two ragers cancel each other out?

EDIT: I can also attest to haittah's rage. luckily he's wasnt great with english so i never got super offended
EDIT2: xenon is not surprisingly calm. it may be the tandem raging of me and undead that make him a dick
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funniest ragers

0) me
1) xenon (his rage is only told of in hushed words. to utter his name is to bring about his prepubescent wrath)
2) analpanda
3) larry + exodus (they share the same spot because their love is forbidden)
4) vault
5) waffles (but he is #1 passive aggressive rage)
6) melone
7) vanquish
8) damdam (altho i hear his league rage is hilarious)

special mention to perros

(04 Mar 14, 01:28AM)titiPT Wrote: Surprised no one mentioned Shorty, I remember him raging pretty hard a while back.

he aint shit

(04 Mar 14, 12:54AM)Vanquish Wrote: I'll also admit that I was a pretty bad rager back when I used to be good at the game. I'm calmer now but I still get frustrated when teammates do retarded shit that they know is stupid but they do it anyway.

be glad you don't play league of legends. you actually get banned for telling people they're stupid
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Conspiracy Rager Theory: Bukz
Purposely cubes with dial-up so if he rages, people will just say 'I'd be ragin' too if I had to play with 400 ping and 200 PJ!!!' When in reality, it's just a cloak to hide his true raging form.

(04 Mar 14, 02:31AM)Undead Wrote: be glad you don't play league of legends. you actually get banned for telling people they're stupid

Did you get banned from LoL, or was that just a in-general comment?
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(04 Mar 14, 02:23AM)Waffles Wrote: EDIT2: xenon is not surprisingly calm. it may be the tandem raging of me and undead that make him a dick

(04 Mar 14, 02:31AM)Undead Wrote: 1) xenon (his rage is only told of in hushed words. to utter his name is to bring about his prepubescent wrath)

well, whenever I've played with him he was super-calm, but I'm not his clanmate so I'll take your word for it :P

(04 Mar 14, 02:31AM)Undead Wrote: 8) damdam (altho i hear his league rage is hilarious)

Yeah it kinda is :DD
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Vanquish - Not in AC but in Sauer
Waffles when I joined oNe xD
Analpanda even if I didn't play a lot with him
Harrek when Honor plays sniper
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Brett #1
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im chilled until undead sucks so im never chilled i guess
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I'm honoured to be on your list
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Undead , probs the only person that rages in every match with me.
and melone when he is losing
and some FD guys
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Shorty on Skype while I made us lose was rather funny to listen to. I think I remember him nearly breaking his glass table when someone shotgunned him hahaha
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(04 Mar 14, 03:16AM)Nightmare Wrote: Did you get banned from LoL, or was that just a in-general comment?


(04 Mar 14, 01:35PM)Flames Wrote: Undead , probs the only person that rages in every match with me.

rage != trolling
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hmm, then your trolling was bad.
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When I played in .cS I noticed that Brett rages a lot. It was pretty hilarious even though I couldn't understand a word, except "putain". I wonder what happened to Light, Ksyrium and the rest of the guys?
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(04 Mar 14, 12:42AM)Waffles Wrote: The only reference I have is how people react to me in game.


(04 Mar 14, 02:31AM)Undead Wrote: funniest ragers

8) damdam (altho i hear his league rage is hilarious)

Wut, idk how you guys can quote me as a rager, I never played a single game with you :(

Also Waffles, I think the reason why people always think I'm mad (according to my teamates) is because when I write, I either caps lock a lot, or I'm harsh in what I say, therefore, people think I'm mad 24/7 when I'm actually sitting calmly behind my laptop ._.

In game I almost never get angry, I'm just very vocal and talk alot and I would either get annoyed at someone doing stupid things, or eventually get angry/disapointed at myself for doing poorly (happens a lot ha-ha joke is done.)

If I had to quote ragers, I'd say :

- Vault (even though the only time I played with him he was cool, but he made Larry RQ from some games so props & respect to him)

- Larry (heard him playing with Vanquish back in the aG time, was really awful to hear...poor Vanquish)

- Undead (cuz people told me so, and from what I know, he considers everyone else but himself is wrong so..)

- fundog (even though he's friendly most of the time and pretty calm in game, if you don't actually go his way, you're gonna have a bad time. + raging with the german accent is scary as fuuuuuuuck)

- Hosta (gets pissed & rages when we start losing asushausha)

- Vanquish (ofc, even though he NEVER admitted to rage despite my multiple attemps to record him)

Some people also get pissed off quite a lot in matches too, but it's hardly ever rage against teamates : Optic, Marti, Sheriff.
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yay finally included
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I've never seen vanquish rage in-game. Do you rage alot ,mate ?
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(04 Mar 14, 03:53PM)Flames Wrote: I've never seen vanquish rage in-game. Do you rage alot ,mate ?

you should hear him in TS lol
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Undead is, surprisingly, always right.

And damdam I meant only how I perceive people I play against. Could be all those people are the most chilled out mofos.
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(04 Mar 14, 03:53PM)Flames Wrote: I've never seen vanquish rage in-game.

that's because i don't rage in game :P however there's a difference between raging in game and raging on ts3 xD
I have never really been one to insult enemies or type much during matches, but yeah particularly when I played AC more actively I would get agitated in ts3 sometimes, usually at stupid mistakes that made us concede flags (that's why marti will say i rage a lot since he knows all about it).

(04 Mar 14, 03:47PM)DamDam Wrote: In game I almost never get angry

Well in AC, that's true actually. I can only remember you getting really mad in two games, one of them was a 1vs1 we played and another was a non-serious inter with your super teammate Lefa, and both of these games were ages ago. you're a delight

but as for League of Legends, I don't even play it and I have heard stories from tezer, xemi, mystered, undead, xenon, lucky and some american guy in our ts once (forgot the name sry) that your rage is horrible :DD
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(04 Mar 14, 05:15PM)Vanquish Wrote: (that's why marti will say i rage a lot since he knows all about it).

yeah you make a lot of shitty noob mistakes

(you also rage in sauer) :D
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(04 Mar 14, 05:57PM)Marti Wrote: yeah you make a lot of shitty noob mistakes
(you also rage in sauer) :D

again, only when "certain people" don't think about what they're doing in the slightest. if you play like an idiot you shouldn't complain if you're treated like one, at the very least try to listen to constructive criticism and there's no problem. i don't rage when i play with a lot of people, you are just one of the people that i get frustrated with xD

to quote larry, "if i shout at you, you shouldn't let it bother you. it's just like in the army, your boss is shouting at you because he wants you to get better" (nice use of larry inferring that he is my boss here) :D
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Actually when i listen to you playing cm's you rage every match :D
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