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[Qualifiers - Completed] Fra| vs Fra[B]
2v3's are just demoralizing, fra a was always gunna win regardless
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Bah who cares =) We scored against the winner of ACWC 2013 playing 2v3
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(05 Aug 13, 05:35AM)MerCyKiL Wrote: my point was: so why did ITA get to have a 2v2?
what ? ITA 2VS2 ? what do you smoke
i see ITA 3vs3 and everything was fine during that game

(05 Aug 13, 06:33AM)DrauL Wrote: Imo that should not count.
2v2 should have been played Lucas.

Oh wait - you know better than us what should have been done. You were not even there and don't know the third of what happened, but i guess it doesn't matter since you have some excellent telepathic skills.

No; 2vs2 should not have been played.
It was played as last resort, because both teams were not able to set up a 2ND date and time.
For Fra| vs Fra[B] it was different; it was the second time the match could not be played because of the same team;
The 2nd time, we first waited a bit longer; maybe fra[b]'s 3rd would show up; after a few minutes, Fra[B] offered to get Reedie @ 4 pm while the match should have been played @ 3pm.

Fra[B]AtoMikK says: 'Reedie is here a 4pm'
Fra[B]DamDam says: 'Reedie arrive dans 30 minutes ^^'
Fra|tricide says: 'si reedie est la a 4H ok'

Eeveryone accepted, although it meant for Fra| that they were going to accept a 3rd date and time and also youngstud was running out of time.

People left the server because they thought they would bplay 30 minutes later.
Then :
Fra[B]AtoMikK says: ' lol Reedie comes in 4 hours not a 4pm xD'

That's not the only thing : Fra[B] even tried to get Edward to play although he was not in their team.

UK:Fluttershy says to team SPECTATOR: 'they're asking me if they can make a "last minute addition to their team". :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD'

Fra[B]'s behavior was quite annoying

Fra|tricide says: 'je pense qu'on peut comprendre que nous ne soyons pas super content'
Fra[B]AtoMikK says: 'lol'
Fra[B]AtoMikK says: 'on s'en bat les steaks'

// translation:
Fra|tricide says: 'i think you can understand that we are not very pleased'
Fra[B]AtoMikK says: 'lol'
Fra[B]AtoMikK says: 'we don't give a fuck'

So we opted for the solution everyone (i think) had agreed upon : 3vs2.

Also, everyone wants all the matches to be played. That's what the qualifiers should not only take care of a team fragging skills, but also its ability to be ready in time.

UK:Fluttershy says to team SPECTATOR: 'well the team that has the best organizational skills should advance imo'
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2v3 was fine
it sucks but fraB weren't prepared so that's their fault
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i didn't say "i don't give a fuck"' check your translator.

It's more like "I don't care". Notable difference.
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=> "Je m'en bas les couilles"
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Doesnt an admin/ref decide wether it will be 2v2 or 3v2? If youre not an admin/ref you should stfu as they decide what happens. Be happy the game got played.
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(05 Aug 13, 11:39AM)DrauL Wrote: I also don't have to be telepathic to know that people dislike the fact that you bend the rules to your will just because you are a "dev".

Thats right, air qoutes cunt.

no. you're voluntarily omitting the fact everything was decided with vanquish. he was on the server and saw everything that was decided.
i was always asking him for what i should do and such.
also, i was not the first person to mention the possiblity of a 3vs2.

you're just bitching because you decided that i was "bending the rules to me because i'm a dev". I can't make you change of mind. You will omit everything that proves you wrong.
So i won't waste more time with you.
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3vs2 was fair, it's a 3V3 CUP for a reason
why can't people get over it?
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(05 Aug 13, 11:06AM)Luc@s Wrote: => "Je m'en bas les couilles"

Ah bon ?

j'ai pas dit ça.
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(05 Aug 13, 06:33AM)DrauL Wrote: 2v2 should have been played Lucas.

Haha you made a very attractive thread, but seriously, why the fault of a team should penalize the other one?
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(05 Aug 13, 01:44PM)ExodusS Wrote:
(05 Aug 13, 06:33AM)DrauL Wrote: 2v2 should have been played Lucas.

Haha you made a very attractive thread, but seriously, why the fault of a team should penalize the other one?

I just think benching someone for the 3v2 to make it a 2v2 is fair no matter what.
My opinion doesn't matter though, so I will not comment further.
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Not to worry lads, won't happen again.
Harrek Wrote:From now on, matches can and will only be played as 3vs3, due to recent problems. If your team isn't able to gather 3 players on the day you fixed, you can either try to fix another day/time as quickly as possible, or forfeit.
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Yeah, that shouldnt be an issue, show disrespect to the other team by not showing up. I dont see anybody from fra[b] arguing with the decision, so it doesnt matter.
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(05 Aug 13, 02:43PM)Oracle Wrote: Not to worry lads, won't happen again.
Harrek Wrote:From now on, matches can and will only be played as 3vs3, due to recent problems. If your team isn't able to gather 3 players on the day you fixed, you can either try to fix another day/time as quickly as possible, or forfeit.

Good rule imho, after all its 3 v 3 not 2 v 2 tournament like others said. :)
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(05 Aug 13, 12:47PM)AtoMikK Wrote:
(05 Aug 13, 11:06AM)Luc@s Wrote: => "Je m'en bas les couilles"

Ah bon ?

j'ai pas dit ça.
You're ridiculous. Both have the same meaning. Also any translation of what you said lead to "i don't give a fuck". Also, it would be perfectly fine to say "I don't care" to your teacher, for example. Would you say "je m'en bas les steaks" to your teacher ? Well if you did, you would get instantly fired from the school.

I can't believe you're arguing about that - i'm wondering whether you are you stupid, or just a very Machiavellian person.
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I like the Machiavellian one.
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Well after we couldn't show up the first time, we didn't really "agree" on the 2nd date.
More like Fra| proposed 3pm or 9pm or you loose.
3pm was the most likely for us to have anyone online, even though if we agreed on 5pm, we would have SURELY 3 on (Million at least).

As they kept on repeating our organization was a mess (true) and that we should be happy they at least asked for rematch, me and Atomikk said "whatever let's end it anyway".

The also possible reason why they didn't want to play a 2v2 is because they wanted to avoid any risk of not qualifying maybe, which isn't likely to happen playing a 3v2.

Whatever, ggwp.
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Anyway it's finish, we lost, nothing to discuss. We even played a 3x3 today and got pwned. That's our fault if we weren't enought.
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Lucas is still mentally retarded
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The real question is why some matches were played in 2v2 if some others played a 3v2...
...buy anyway it's ended, so we should close this thread.
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Reedie-oH Wrote:Lucas is still mentally retarded

You're still brilliant.
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if you played a 3v3 and got owned Reedie, i think its enough to say that you were going to lose anyways. fights over. dont be a poor sport.
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(07 Aug 13, 07:20PM)MerCyKiL Wrote: if you played a 3v3 and got owned Reedie, i think its enough to say that you were going to lose anyways. fights over. dont be a poor sport.
It's not Reedie who played, anyway...
Thread closed.

We are waiting ITA vS Fra| now!
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(07 Aug 13, 07:10PM)Reedie-oH Wrote: Lucas is still mentally retarded
You've just earn yourself a nice ban... Tosser!
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