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Resident Evil 4
Have you played Resident Evil 4 in your life? :D

[Image: 4435-1.jpg]
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Such a good game.
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Yeah a good one :)
Whole Resident Evil saga, including RE movies are the best :)
When i play in profesional mode, is like an easy mode for me
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(11 May 13, 07:24PM)Skinny-Dog Wrote: When i play in profesional mode, is like an easy mode for me

Can you brag more?
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(12 May 13, 01:21AM)PhaNtom Wrote: Can you brag more?
Of course, why not?
I can finish whole game in 7 or 9 hours.
I unlocked all secret weapons and hidden mini-games.

P.D Somebody want to know which enemies appear in the game?
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(12 May 13, 02:25AM)Skinny-Dog Wrote:
(12 May 13, 01:21AM)PhaNtom Wrote: Can you brag more?
Of course, why not?
I can finish whole game in 7 or 9 hours.
I unlocked all secret weapons and hidden mini-games.

P.D Somebody want to know which enemies appear in the game?

...you just missed the entire point of what I said.
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pick a harder game then brag
i wonder what is the hardest single player game ever
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Really... Well, i said more about me in RE
Can you confuse more?
In spanish, "brag" has other meaning
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Oh, I was speaking Spanish? Weird, I've never taken lessons.
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(12 May 13, 03:14AM)PhaNtom Wrote: Oh, I was speaking Spanish? Weird, I've never taken lessons.

Please, keep with the main theme of this thread.
ahahahaha, i don't know why i'm replying to you... I'm doing it know, and somebody will post that i change the theme of this thread and will blame me... But i didn't, this thread got messed up by you D:
wth? This is getting like a personal fight
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You can call me Mr Anti-Derail.

I had resident evil 4 on GC and it was hard. I mean I hate zombies in games and I get pretty shit scared but my nephew smashed through that game in about 3 days and he is 3 years younger than me. He would have been 10 or 11.

My favourite moment in that game were finding out you could flashbang groups of crows, and killing any huge boss with one rocket from and RPG.
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Good DrauL, i hope that if somebody is going to post, please related to the main theme, i'm sick about people joking a lot with me...

Yeah bro, dat boss in the same place when you kill all the crows... the giant :D
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the giant was piss easy. Im talking about the nepolian dude.
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kk i got lost, what type of enemy you are talking about?
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I think he is referring to the enemy that resembles the historic Napoleon Bonaparte -- Ramon Salazar (in his transformed form)

I also have scoured RE4 and its achievements. I won't brag so blatantly but that kinda gives an idea of my experience with this game. It's a solid game, but it gets a lot more fans specifically for it than I would've expected. Currently I'm playing through RE6 (I'm a fan of the series, even in the transition from survivor-horror to a more action based game)

Still kinda mind-blown they chose the giraffe getting a bj for the cover-art :/

Edit: ninja'd

Append: Probably my biggest praise for RE4 is it's inventory management system. Every installment after has been a greater disappointment.
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ohh Ramon Salazar, he is the easiest boss of RE4, like Osmund Saddler...
Yeah, i played RE6 and i finished it too :D
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Yes play resident evil because you are so busy with exams and stuff that you can't play AC and don't have to 1v1 Waffles
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Only good RE imo. Movies are utterly shit. Play Silent Hill.
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(12 May 13, 11:01AM)Marti Wrote: Yes play resident evil because you are so busy with exams and stuff that you can't play AC and don't have to 1v1 Waffles
Read this Marti:
And second, please don't mess up this thread and keep talking about RE.

lol, i haven't played Silent Hill, some friends IN REAL LIFE commented to me about the game and they told me that is a hard game but a good one
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(12 May 13, 03:41PM)Skinny-Dog Wrote: keep talking about RE

[Image: Red-Eclipse.jpg]

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Oh god why...
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dont take everything so personally + seriously lol
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(13 May 13, 12:49AM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: dont take everything so personally + seriously lol

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If you can't handle insults from some people then idk what you're doing on the internet mate. grow some thick skin and dont make a huge deal out of it :)
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(13 May 13, 01:04AM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: If you can't handle insults from some people then idk what you're doing on the internet mate. grow some thick skin and dont make a huge deal out of it :)

Of course, i'm a mature teen, but i'm unmaskin the dark side of some people... I love peace and respect in any place, including some websites :) i can beat any problem, there are only a little rock in my path of my life
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To derail a thread even more. No you are not. Unmasking is revealing the internet. This is how people are. Quit being a little girl and take any type of insult towards you like a man.

Ontopic: Haven't played any of the games...but I wan't to once i have the patience and money to get these games lol.
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Lol i'm not even insulting you but you are insulting me gg

I dont see why they dont allow you to play AC but do allow you to play RE. Seems like a bs excuse to me.

Oh and btw, im 100% sure my school is tougher and of a higher educational level than yours.

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(13 May 13, 04:52AM)lucky Wrote: Quit being a little girl and take any type of insult towards you like a man.

Sure... I don't know why the hell you got involved on this, but you calling me a girl?! Hahahaha... Do you like to be offended? Look how "these jerks" offend me slowly, or you are going to say that i'm insulting as a stupid answer?

(13 May 13, 04:52AM)lucky Wrote: Ontopic: Haven't played any of the games...but I wan't to once i have the patience and money to get these games lol.
I suggest you to buy them :)

(13 May 13, 08:12AM)Marti Wrote: Lol i'm not even insulting you but you are insulting me gg
Nice way to say that i'm insulting people... Read your previuos post, you are trying to say that i'm a coward and i'm afraid about a 1v1... Jerk:)

(13 May 13, 08:12AM)Marti Wrote: I dont see why they dont allow you to play AC but do allow you to play RE. Seems like a bs excuse to me.
So i need to disrespect my parents? NO, if they say me that stop playing for a time AC, why i can't play other games or do other stuff?

(13 May 13, 08:12AM)Marti Wrote: Oh and btw, im 100% sure my school is tougher and of a higher educational level than yours.
Really? It seems that you aren't demostriting your "educational level" like you say, i hate people that aren't respecful, and how "some people" let them to do whatever they want (i repeat it again and?!)

You are not the correct person to critize my activities when i'm not playing AC, f*ck off again Marti...

Well, this thread got totally messed by the dark side of AC community...
I think that it must be closed, until these jerks blame more and more and say sh!t about me... God bless all!
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(14 May 13, 12:12AM)Skinny-Dog Wrote: Really? It seems that you aren't demostriting your "educational level" like you say, i hate people that aren't respecful, and how "some people" let them to do whatever they want
The only people that let them do whatever they want are the people that decide to feel offended by their comments.
Don't feed the trolls.

Closed as you asked.
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