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Poll: Which new map, do you like the most?
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15 28.30%
3 5.66%
2 3.77%
4 7.55%
5 9.43%
1 1.89%
8 15.09%
8 15.09%
0 0%
7 13.21%
Total 53 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

New maps in SVN
Preview of all the new maps in AssaultCube's SVN as of right now...

(Larger versions of all images available at: http://imgur.com/a/h1nU7#0 )

(NOTE: Any posts in this thread that are not positive, or constructive (i.e. "I think this change would be good" is constructive, where-as "I hate this thing about this map" is not), will be deleted by a moderator).

[Image: hmbvYVG.jpg]

[Image: mCULBm7.jpg]

[Image: dk5cksC.jpg]

[Image: 52pVTLo.jpg]

[Image: 22Ml3HO.jpg]

[Image: lJJWgV4.jpg]

[Image: jE0WGlj.jpg]

[Image: 5dTbXuH.jpg]

[Image: jtmnIVa.jpg]

[Image: Sr8kvJm.jpg]

Additionally, for fairness, ac_arid has lost a few grenade entities.

... and you can now stand/walk through the tunnels of ac_aqueous.

[Image: oZjaHjY.jpg]
A download of the new aqueous is available here: http://www.speedyshare.com/Q5jsZ/ac-aqueous-1.2.zip
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Good to see ac_wasteland is back. :)
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Niiiice, Wasteland is back! :D
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YES! I see wasteland!
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Niiiice 10 new maps. Good stuff RK :)

Why stop at 10? Go for 20 yaaa! :>
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weee, edifice and lainio :D
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Venison ;)
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Yay Swamp!
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edifice looks sick
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Yeah, if I run venison on insane settings I get 200fps in one area (whereas the lowest I've managed to get on any other official map in svn on insane settings and at any resolution is 700ish fps, with a usual 900-1000).

I agree that it needs to be optimized further.
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Very nice to see Cavern and Avenue added. Even though: I don't like Industrial mainly because of the huge boxfactory thingy. Next to that Terros is quite an odd, open and boring map. Even though it's something for everyone I guess. Something I dont understand is why Apollos map dont get added, he did some great stuff that outclass some of the added maps. In both gameplay and style. Could someone explain me with a good argument why his maps don't get added? I heard people saying his maps are boring, but (no hate) ac_lainio has a very simple lay-out for instance. Not meaning its a bad map, far from, but pointing out that this is not an argument against an Apollo map.
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Kiwi is going with the public votes strategy, so apollo needs to go to the correct thread and put his maps up for voting. Then if it's popular enough, I'd just guess he'd be asked to add more detail like Halo had to do to wasteland...but maybe not. castle ftw
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(19 Mar 13, 12:38PM)YesWeCamp Wrote: Something I dont understand is why Apollos map dont get added
I'm guessing part of the reason is that Apollo left the AC community a while back, so RK wouldn't be able to get permissions from him to add his maps to the poll.

* Oracle is waiting for jiba to post up all his sexy maps \o/

* Oracle is also hoping somebody would be able to contact A&D_Shadow.... <_<
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Apollo left AC for a while, but later he came back. I don't think he would have something against featuring his maps in AC. Willing is true power, and damn, I wish all of his maps could be official.
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(19 Mar 13, 06:11PM).ExodusS* Wrote:
(19 Mar 13, 05:12PM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: * ShadowFlameZ is waiting for jiba to post up all his sexy maps \o/

ac_industrial and ac_avenue are now in the pack...

There are other good maps by him besides those ones - those two are the overplayed ones, try looking at ac_hq1.1 (ty for the recommendation jamz) and ac_base. Or if you do want one that's popular in pubs, why not ac_venganza? Almost all quality servers have it in their maprot, and it also works in smaller matches (did a 3v3 inter on it, was pretty good).
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(19 Mar 13, 12:38PM)YesWeCamp Wrote: Very nice to see Cavern and Avenue added. Even though: I don't like Industrial mainly because of the huge boxfactory thingy. Next to that Terros is quite an odd, open and boring map. Even though it's something for everyone I guess. Something I dont understand is why Apollos map dont get added, he did some great stuff that outclass some of the added maps. In both gameplay and style. Could someone explain me with a good argument why his maps don't get added? I heard people saying his maps are boring, but (no hate) ac_lainio has a very simple lay-out for instance. Not meaning its a bad map, far from, but pointing out that this is not an argument against an Apollo map.

Well for example i really enjoy terros which seem to be great for clan matches and pub.
I don't like apollo's maps. Also, his licenses/terms of use/however you call it are very restrictive. For example they don't allow us to upload his maps on the future auto downloader system -_-
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Nice new maps, look forward to playing the "newer" versions/maps!
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Apollo's maps should have been official ages ago but I'll just be happy to see them in the new version.
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I have deleted all non-constructive criticisms. Please keep this thread constructive.

NOTE: Any posts in this thread that are not positive, or constructive (i.e. "I think this change would be good" is constructive, where-as "I hate this thing about this map" is not), will be deleted by a moderator.

P.S: Don't blame Bukz
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Why'd you delete the aqueous1.2 download and the nice comments about it? D:
it's just as new as these 10 maps.

edit: k sneaky! Still nice comments gone though. :3
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(23 Mar 13, 12:28PM)Nightmare Wrote: Why'd you delete the aqueous1.2 download and the nice comments about it? D:
it's just as new as these 10 maps.

the download link of aqueous is right under the image
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Added a poll, please keep comments constructive.
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(23 Mar 13, 09:52PM)Artemis Wrote: ac_terros.
^Very constructive :P

But yes, terros seems to be the favored map thus far. Perhaps ACers have an affinity for sand-based/desert-themed maps? Makes sense, since many of the official maps are sand-based: arabian, arid, desert(1-3), douze map-which-must-not-be-named, outpost, shine, and sunset.

Though that doesn't really explain why venison isn't very popular...hmm.

Edit: A possible explanation!
<B}Ronald_Reagan> Venison has FPS issues
Plus I think terros has been played a bit more, iirc (I've seen it in pubs before, at least; yet to see venison).
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Nonsense the idea that only desert themed maps have all attentions, maybe we fancy them a lot because it give us city people some exotic feelings but urban and industrial maps are played as much.

My vote goes to jiba's ac_avenue, I'd say there is always pathways complexity, a lot of care into little details in his maps and even then an incredible flow in gameplay as soon as you get slightly acquainted with the layout.
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I'm not saying that only desert themed maps have attention (that's a bit of an extreme, it's only 1/3 which isn't a majority), it was just a neat trend, that's all.
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most popular match maps...shine sunset des3.....the desert theory makes sense.

Picked swamp for the poll. Swamp & edifice are the ones that don't annoy me in some major way.
Venison is my pick for sexiest. It's unfortunate some areas are laggy.
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not sure why terros is the most favoured map, i think it might be because it emulates desert3's openness. then again i have only ever played terros on pub servers and never in an inter or a match or something so i have no idea how it plays, i just know that i hated playing it on pubs lol.

i voted my own map, swamp, simply because i liked it the most out of the rest of the maps, but i do admit i am a bit partial to avenue and industrial. don't really like cavern because even if you can run around the map backwards, like me, you are bound to get stuck on something.

i also don't like venison because the three sides are completely cut off from each other. seems like the kind of map where a 0-0 flag aggregate is a common occurrence. i did make an extended criticism of the map in the proving grounds a few months ago somewhere, along with lots of other maps, which i believe was ignored when selecting maps for the next version. whatever.

i am a little disappointed that my essay of criticism towards aqueous was deleted but i guess RK read it.
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