/ commands
hey is there a list of the commands that start with the slash like /me and that stuff?
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Nope. The list would be pretty long though :) All those commands are learned by time and experience. You'll just simply one day find out about a command, and after some months you'll have a pretty much vast knowledge of the commands out there so you'll be able to memorize them hopefully for when you need them :)

EDIT: Actually, this might help you. In there you can probably find most of the commands of the game though it may be that it's not updated; hence missing some 1.1 new commands. Problem with that list though, is that some of them don't have an explanation of what each does, so you will have to experiment some times.
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This is called "CubeScript" in which many of us are engrossed in. If you want help, feel free to drop by #Cubescript on gamesurge.net . We dont bite!
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(31 Aug 10, 04:22AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: We dont bite!
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Take a look here http://assault.cubers.net/docs/reference.xml or in your AC folder /docs/reference.xml
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Brick, come to #CubeScript bro. Myself, Bukz, V-Man, GenD, Gibstick and other CubeScripters hang there and are happy to help ;)
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I like how you didn't mention me!
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You can go in-game and type /a then keep pressing TAB until you get through all the "a" commands, then you move onto "b" etc
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Ronald_Reagan sometimes makes a celebrity appearance too!

@Carnifex: through all 630 idents, eh? Nice.
Actually, I wrote a script that goes through all the idents' documentation in-game, pausing for a given amount of time between each ident.
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I did it. Didn't take long at all.
Though it would be easier if there was a list.
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thank you all, this was very helpful :D
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list of idents, maybe a few idents sneaked in...
akimboendaction autoreload autoscopesens gamespeed invmouse maxroll maxrollremote mfilter mode mouseaccel nextprimary paused quicknade_hold sensitivity scopesensscale sensitivityscale setscope applydialog autogetmap autogetnewmaprevisions autoscreenshot browsefiledesc clockerror clockfix jpegquality maploaditemlength networkdebug screenshottype aboveheadiconfadetime aboveheadiconsize blood bloodttl bullethole bulletholettl fog fogcolour gib gibnum gibspeed gibttl hidecustomskins maxtrail mergestrips mtexplosion mtwater particlesize scalelights scorch scorchttl shotline shotlinettl skin skin_cla skin_rvsf smoothdist smoothmove teamdisplaymode texturescale throttle_accel throttle_decel throttle_interval tsswap watercolour aadynshadow colorbits dbgmbatch dbgstenc dbgtiles dbgts dbgvlight depthbits depthoffset dynlight dynshadow dynshadowdecay dynshadowquad dynshadowsize fullbrightlevel fullscreen gamma glext maxtexsize polygonoffsetfactor polygonoffsetunits reflectclip reflectscissor reflectsize scr_h scr_w screenres shadowcasters shadowclip shadowtile skyclip stencilbits stencilshadow waterreflect waterrefract watersubdiv altconsize cncolumncolor confade consize conskip crosshairfx crosshairsize crosshairteamsign damageindicatoralpha damageindicatordist damageindicatorsize damageindicatortime damagescreen damagescreenalpha damagescreenfactor damagescreenfade fov fovcompat fullconsize hidebigmenuimages hidecompass hideconsole hidectfhud hidedamageindicator hidehudequipment hidehudmsgs hideradar hidespecthud hideteam hidevote hudextras hudgun maxcon maxhistory minimapres nosway oldfashionedgunstats orderscorecolumns radarentsize radarfactor radarheight righthanded scopefov scorefont setfont showmap showmapbackdrop showmapbackdroptransparency showradarvalues showscores showscoresondeath showstats spectfov swaymovediv swayspeeddiv swayupmovediv swayupspeeddiv animationinterpolationtime ati_mda_bug bilinear fpsrange fsaa lighterror maxfps mdldlist mdldyncache mdlstatcache minlod physinterp saveshadows texreduce trilinear vsync al_referencedistance al_rollofffactor audio audiodebug bulletairsound bulletairsounddestrad bulletairsoundrad bulletairsoundsourcerad bulletbouncesound bulletbouncesoundrad footsteps gainscale hitsound localfootsteps mapsoundrefresh maxsoundsatonce musicvol mutesound soundchannels soundscheddistancescore soundschedoldbonus soundschedpriorityscore soundschedreserve soundvol unmuteallsounds connected gamemode maxtmus version

alive curmap curmode curmodeattr currentprimary currole curmastermode curserver curteam curweapon datestring getclientmode getmapmsg hwtexsize magcontent magreserve mapsize millis minutesremaining prevweapon soundmuted systime timestamp timestring watchingdemo addzip alias bind complete debugargs echo exec font fontchar fontskip format gamemodedesc getalias gettext history if inputcommand isolatecontext keybind keymap listcomplete loop nickcomplete numargs onrelease pop push removezip resetcfg resetsecuremaps result saycommand scriptcontext sealcontexts securemap sleep while writecfg md2anim md2emit md2tag md3anim md3emit md3link md3load md3skin mdlalphatest mdlcachelimit mdlcullface mdlscale mdlshadowdist mdltrans mdltranslucent mdlvertexlight = =f ! != !=f && || < <f <= <=f > >f >= >=f strcmp + += - -= * div mod rnd +f -f *f divf modf at concat concatword findlist listlen attack backward crouch forward jump left quicknadethrow right setburst benchme checkmapdependencies clearminimap demo dropflag findsens listmapdependencies listmapdependencies_all loadcrosshair mapshot quit recalc reload resetgl screenshot shiftweapon showmapdims stopdemo suicide team toggleconsole togglegrap toggleocull weapon music musicpreload registermusic registersound sound soundtest autoteam ban connect coop ctf deleteservermap disconnect dm findcn findpn forceteam getdemo getmap htf kick ktf lanconnect listdemos lms lss map mastermode modconnect modlanconnect osok pf removebans searchnickname sendmap setnext tdm tktf tosok ts vip vote whois addfavcategory addserver clearservers hidefavicons listfavcats masterupdatefrequency maxservpings modeacronyms searchlan serverbrowserhidefavtag serverbrowserhideip serversort serversortdir serversortpreferofficial servpingrate showallservers showminremain shownamesinbrowser showonlyfavourites showonlygoodservers showweights updatefrommaster callvote connectadmin giveadmin modconnectadmin serverdesc serverextension setadmin changefollowplayer clearignored clearmuted ignore listignored listmuted me muteplayer name say spectate spectatemode togglespect voicecom addpath1way1 addpath1way2 addpath2way1 addpath2way2 advancemaprevision ambient applymapsoundchanges autowp clearents closestenttype copy corner delent delpath1way1 delpath1way2 delpath2way1 delpath2way2 delwp editaxis editheight editing edittag edittex edittoggle entproperty entset entstats equalize flrceil fullbright getentattr getenttype heightfield lightscale loadnotexture loadsky mapenlarge mapmodel mapmodelreset mapmsg mapshrink mapsound mapsoundreset movemap newent "newent akimbo" "newent ammobox" "newent armour" "newent clip" "newent ctf-flag" "newent grenades" "newent health" "newent ladder" "newent light" "newent mapmodel" "newent pistol" "newentplayerstart" "newent sound" newmap nextclosestent nextplayerstart paste perlin replace savemap select selectionflip selectionrotate selx selxs sely selys setedithide seteditshow setmaprevision setjumpwp setwpyaw shadowyaw showedithide showmip showmodelclipping slope solid testvisible texture texturereset undo undomegs unsetjumpwp vdelta waterlevel wpclear wpflood wpinfo wpload wpsave wpvisible xhairwpsel addbot addnbot botsheadtodebuggoal botsheadtome botskill botskillall botsshoot drawbeamtobots idlebots kickallbots kickbot setdebuggoal telebot togglebotview chmenumdl closemenu menudirlist menufont menuinit menuinitselection menuitem menuitemcheckbox menuitemimage menuitemkeyinput menuitemmapload menuitemslider menuitemtextinput menuitemvar menuselection menuselectionbgcolor menumdl newmenu showmenu docargument docexample docfind docident docinvalid dockey docref docremark docsection docskip docundone docvisible docwritebaseref docwritetodoref altaction altaction_0 altaction_1 altaction_2 altaction_3 altaction_4 altaction_5 altaction_6 altaction_7 altaction_8 altaction_9 changeteam curname cmdbuf delta_ delta_edit_0 delta_game_0 delta_spect_0 delta_edit_1 delta_edit_2 delta_edit_3 delta_edit_4 delta_edit_5 delta_edit_6 delta_edit_7 delta_edit_8 delta_edit_9 domodifier fullscreenscript gfxqualityalias grenades melee new_gfx_quality new_sound_quality primary reducedviolencemode resetbinds secondary soundqualityalias toggleshowmap universaldelta zoom

favcatargname keyalias LANG mappack_version mapstartalways mapstartonce nextmap_ onQuit openaldevice required_mappack sbconnect
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Cool! Thank you DES|V-Man.
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domodifier fullscreenscript gfxqualityalias grenades melee new_gfx_quality new_sound_quality primary reducedviolencemode resetbinds secondary soundqualityalias toggleshowmap universaldelta zoom

The only thing in that block that is new is toggleshowmap.
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