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Size of Crosshair Changing
Hey guys,
I was wondering if their was a way to stop my crosshair getting bigger when I shoot 3+ bullets with Assault Rifle. I don't want to get rid of spread, just the animation.

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/crosshairfx 0
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/crosshairfx 0 would have been my guess also but.. "crosshair getting bigger when I shoot 3+ bullets" never happened to me.


[Image: 4sfuvl.jpg]

It doesn't say anything about size.
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The crosshairfx command only deals with the colors of the crosshair according to your hp...
AFAIK you can't change the way the crosshair enlarges while shooting, at least in my time of playing I've never heard of a command that could do that.
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Or you could play smg and your crosshair wont get bigger or play with the dot :p
But i think some people know about that cause ive seen that in some vids (crosshair doesn't get bigger while people are shooting with ar)
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Aah, ok, thanks.

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Just use the dot-crosshair at size 15 and you won't notice the enlargment. At least I haven't even known about this feature until reading this post. :P
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Script just for ar
You can improve this easy script
bind mouse1 [crosshairsize 20;attack;sleep 360 [crosshairsize 15]]
bind r [reload;crosshairsize 20]
The script is not perfect
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(07 Dec 12, 04:29PM)888 Wrote: Script just for ar
You can improve this script easy
bind mouse1 [crosshairsize 20;attack;sleep 360 [crosshairsize 15]]
bind r [reload;crosshairsize 20]
The script isnot pefect

hmm, it doesnt work.

Thanks anyway.
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put it in your /config/autoexec.cfg it does stop it from getting larger. You may need to tweak it more to your liking
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no. what about the onAttack command? unknown for and svn but still exist here
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The script work about svn .

onAttack = [echo attack]

Des que tu attaques ca envoie un message attaque
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