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{CE} gets sponsor!
DogDancing, same with me. I've seen many clans die before my eyes, like MD^ and such.

My grandfather might give some money time to time and i'd be willing to contribute that to AC.

And please DogDancing, if you think {CE} is going to die, think again. I never said a sponsor was going to make a clan better, he's just supporting us for the success of the clan in the long run.

I know it is a bit confusing, but maybe i'm the only one who sees it. :\
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(24 Aug 10, 07:26PM)DogDancing Wrote: Lighting, Exile Unit..is that another AC clan? How do these sponsors actually support this clan, what do they do for them? Also could you tell us a little about ARK, AKD-International? What kinda companies are those? What is there source of income? Workforce? Networth?

Yes we're a clan. And Lightning is just joking around :P
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Were totally sponsered xD
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(23 Aug 10, 09:00PM)Alien Wrote: isn't it spamm for google pagerank ??
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oNe is sponsored by my local IGA which is actually a front for selling AC hacks.
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DogDancing. ARK is logistics company and AKD-International does somewhat the same. They support the clan by paying for my internet.
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(25 Aug 10, 11:12AM)Undead Wrote: oNe is sponsored by my local IGA

As i read that; an IGA ad came on xD
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(24 Aug 10, 07:26PM)DogDancing Wrote: Hahaha, so your grandfather is supporting you by saying he supports you? Sounds kinda just like family love to me, I like how you think its going to make your clan better...its not like your a pro/semi-pro sports team or something. Having your grandfathers logo on your clans site would be pointless. So what is he actually doing to support you? Have you guys even got a site or IRC going?

I don't see the point to this, I could say that my 91 year old grandfather supports BC, but whats that going to actually do for us? He has a lot of money and has owned his own companies before, but unless he is actually giving your organization/clan currency or loaning a website space to you hes not really doing jack shit. I can't think of anything that an actual company could/would do for a non-professional, very small gaming clan in a game like this..

Either way good luck I guess. Seems like your clan is doomed like all the others that start off with such ambitions and never actually get anywhere. In my AC "career" I have seen literally hundreds of clans start off, with 1 or 2 members. They get a bad looking website which nobody ends up using then they let some more new players in without any requirements. Most very new to AC, and lower skilled and most likely aren't going to stay playing AC for long. They put on the tag and sometimes see other clan members on..but other than in-game have no way of communicating to them. More than half of the clan members don't know the website or most of the other members names and not even close to having any relationship with any of them. Then all the members eventually get bored with AC and forget about your clan. Then without anyone knowing your clan dies more quietly than it began.

Lighting, Exile Unit..is that another AC clan? How do these sponsors actually support this clan, what do they do for them? Also could you tell us a little about ARK, AKD-International? What kinda companies are those? What is there source of income? Workforce? Networth?
That's not a way to treat enthusiastic newcomers...

Why can't you let kids have their fun, their bit of fame? ;)
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Yeah ... :P But i'm not a newcomer. xD
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Open mouth, insert foot.
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Wiki Clan List

Maybe this can die now...

Edit: Darn, a edit i didnt read. :P
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Yeah ... sorry about that post. I thought I was getting no where but an opportunity opened up for me and took it and the clan is being really successful at the moment.
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you havent yet posted your clan site or am i just missing that.

Sponsor- a person or group that provides funds for an activity, esp
a. a commercial organization that pays all or part of the cost of putting on a concert, sporting event, etc
b. a person who donates money to a charity when the person requesting the donation has performed a specified activity as part of an organized fund-raising effort

so unless he actually gives you money you are not sponsored, so you should you should really say, that you clan is being verbally supported by your grandfather.

good luck .... i wanna see a website.( hint start with a forum theres free ones out there) :)
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Yeah, we have a forum running and applications currently OPEN to the public.

As I mentioned before, my grandfather might hand out money time to time and i'd be willing to contribute it to AC.
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in what ways? :D
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In what ways what?
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soooo whats the link to the website/forum... still waiting
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There you go. :)
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(25 Aug 10, 12:30PM)Drakas Wrote:
(24 Aug 10, 07:26PM)DogDancing Wrote: Hahaha, so your grandfather is supporting you by saying he supports you? Sounds kinda just like family love to me, I like how you think its going to make your clan better...its not like your a pro/semi-pro sports team or something. Having your grandfathers logo on your clans site would be pointless. So what is he actually doing to support you? Have you guys even got a site or IRC going?

I don't see the point to this, I could say that my 91 year old grandfather supports BC, but whats that going to actually do for us? He has a lot of money and has owned his own companies before, but unless he is actually giving your organization/clan currency or loaning a website space to you hes not really doing jack shit. I can't think of anything that an actual company could/would do for a non-professional, very small gaming clan in a game like this..

Either way good luck I guess. Seems like your clan is doomed like all the others that start off with such ambitions and never actually get anywhere. In my AC "career" I have seen literally hundreds of clans start off, with 1 or 2 members. They get a bad looking website which nobody ends up using then they let some more new players in without any requirements. Most very new to AC, and lower skilled and most likely aren't going to stay playing AC for long. They put on the tag and sometimes see other clan members on..but other than in-game have no way of communicating to them. More than half of the clan members don't know the website or most of the other members names and not even close to having any relationship with any of them. Then all the members eventually get bored with AC and forget about your clan. Then without anyone knowing your clan dies more quietly than it began.

Lighting, Exile Unit..is that another AC clan? How do these sponsors actually support this clan, what do they do for them? Also could you tell us a little about ARK, AKD-International? What kinda companies are those? What is there source of income? Workforce? Networth?
That's not a way to treat enthusiastic newcomers...

Why can't you let kids have their fun, their bit of fame? ;)

gg all.
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If your a kid i can understand the topic, or if you want to attract new members to your clan.
The first i read your post i thought bragger.
Then i read a bit more and see thats there are no sponsor, only someone that think its ok that you play computergames.
We are all different but i got money from my mother to a new PSU cuz i had no money myself, can i then say that our clan has a sponsor ?

Your post is very wierd, and i think your learned that now with all replies.
I guess your not old.
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What? No, no one knows what I mean.

It's okay if no one knows English, but you can lock the topic.
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GL on your clan. You might wanna rack up points on hi-skill.us
to get your name out. ;]
Play CTF instead of TOSOK and you'll quickly become known.
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lol knife, this thread is almost one month old D:
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(29 Aug 10, 12:19PM)SpiRiT Wrote: It's okay if no one knows English, but you can lock the topic.

some one that knows english ^
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