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ACWC - Final Match - Live Video Stream
The final match of AssaultCube World Cup 2010 between Brazil and Slovakia will be streamed live! Tune in with us and enjoy the match that will take place among the top hardcore AC players! ;)

Thanks go to Drakas for his immense work he has put in organizing the ACWC and making this live streaming possible! ;)

Commentator: Drakas

Tune in right now: http://acwc.woop.us/2010/live.html

Enjoy, and wish us all a nice final match ;)

Posting on behalf of Drakas who is still "busy as hell" to make things go smooth and enjoyable for us ;)

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Good news! :)
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Do you need some kind of plugin to watch this?
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No you don't, but probably because there were so many viewers at the moment, that Drakas' PC overheated, so the live stream is off, but we got Drakas' commentaries :)

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Eerie, I'd been meaning to look into creating a mod for live-streaming. The difference being I wouldn't stream video, I'd stream the game data.
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We definitively need something like that.
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(22 Aug 10, 09:04PM)Mael Wrote: Eerie, I'd been meaning to look into creating a mod for live-streaming. The difference being I wouldn't stream video, I'd stream the game data.

It is already being done here: irc://irc.gamesurge.net/acwc :)

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Not an IRC channel, a mod or web plugin that allows players to see exactly what is going on.
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Congratulations, Brazil!

The streaming didn't go too well, since my computer is so shabby (it overheated 3 times, crashed the streamer more than that, too) and I wanted to make it purely from open source software. It succeeded at first: it records using GLC, takes voice from Mumble, plays music from Mplayer, encodes using Theora and Vorbis, muxes using GStreamer, sends it to Icecast and then to the world. Oh, the sweet power of open-source, but poor power of CPUs :P
(22 Aug 10, 11:08PM)Mael Wrote: Not an IRC channel, a mod or web plugin that allows players to see exactly what is going on.

Go on, I'll be waiting :)
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well done! good job!
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