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[split] Warnings system
1Cap, I hope you know how idealistic your thoughts are, and how they have no substance what so ever. You keep repeating the same thing OVER and OVER again. You clearly have not understood that we do not care anymore.

I hope you read this and think about how NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR WARNING POINTS ANYMORE. You clearly do not know racism or statistics. Please find new proof on how the mods are shitting on brazilians everywhere. Please note that it is plural. Not just you.

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21 Jul 12, 08:58PM Post: #97
AC Mod
Posts: 2,511
Joined: Jun 2010
RE: FuRy -
Unless you actually have something to say that isn't attacking another forum member, and is on topic don't post. I'll be handing out warning points for any post after this that is offtopic/flaming.

.. My post after this:

22 Jul 12, 10:19PM Post: #103
Posts: 58
Joined: Dec 2010
RE: FuRy -
Xen = 100% - proved
Fury 0% = not proven
The big question is: why an ex-cheater opened a topic to accuse another player knowing that he had no concrete evidence to make the accusation?
A "ex-cheater" know for sure that nothing would be 100% proven.
My opinion is the same. The forum will not improve as we let this kind of behavior appear here.
Since there is no moderation, Better close the topic.

Xenon post after mine:

22 Jul 12, 11:44PM Post: #104
#1 scaborignal
Posts: 520
Joined: Aug 2010
RE: FuRy -
I cheated and I believe I would have a better clue of how someone would hide their cheating then someone who doesn't speak english and has 'never' cheated. I have evidence, of which the community is split in half about weather he cheats or not, thus why he will not be getting banned until better evidence is proved.
1Cap, how does FuRy know when to check the corner, he only checked it twice. Both times I was their, tell me exactly how he knew champ.

Other post after all this:

23 Jul 12, 12:38AM Post: #108
Chilean Pride
Posts: 44
Joined: Mar 2012
RE: FuRy -
(22 Jul 12 11:44PM)Xenon Wrote:
1Cap, how does FuRy know when to check the corner, he only checked it twice. Both times I was their, tell me exactly how he knew champ.

Some players know maps very well. Thus, they know where people usually camp. Furthemore, if there are sounds or it's rather obvious (granade sounds) that enemies are in those camping spots you must check them. For Example in des3, if your enemy takes your flag from red base and he goes right, or somehow you know someone comes right, it's a must to check the dark place next to the cabinet (where the health is); at least, I would do it and i'm not a genious or a magician or even worst a waller because I go straight to that place and kill someone. just saying...

This very clear! Xenon did not feel offended. I do not offend anyone.
Also my post was completely on topic. Completely.
I was not of-topic.
This is the kind of moderation that matter to whom?
It is absurd to the community accept and try to hide it.
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(05 Aug 12, 03:03AM)1Cap Wrote: Very productive your post. Do you think that is what the forum needs? Do not waste your time with it.

Oh, I do not waste much time reading the jist of a thread, taking a side, and posting a couple of lines. You're the one wasting your time making paragraphs upon regurgitated paragraphs of petty complaints that nobody on this forum honestly gives a rat's arse about. But who am I kidding? The forum needs it, right?
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1Cap let's try a different route. Why are we discussing this in public when the relevant parties could have discussed it via PM?
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This is my last post on this thread, I can't believe you are still arguing about it.

1Cap Wrote:This very clear! Xenon did not feel offended. I do not offend anyone.
I don't see anywhere on these forums a mod stating that your post was offensive. Don't know where you're getting that.

1Cap Wrote:Also my post was completely on topic. Completely.
No, it was off-topic. Completely. The thread was about suspicions about Fury hacking, and you decided to talk about Xenon on how you thought he shouldn't be posting since he was an ex-cheater.

1Cap Wrote:It is absurd to the community accept and try to hide it.
For the community to accept what? To agree with you that because you were warned for going off-topic it's suddenly considered racist, which doesn't even make sense? And hide what? That there is actually some secret conspiracy in the mods' forums where we plot our next Brazilian victims cause we're a bunch of "racist" bastards?
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1Cap ftw.
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Wolf is a Columbian... I'm guessing the amount of drug money he has tied up in this is quite substantial... ;)
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(05 Aug 12, 05:08AM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: This is my last post on this thread, I can't believe you are still arguing about it.

[quote=1Cap]This very clear! Xenon did not feel offended. I do not offend anyone.
I don't see anywhere on these forums a mod stating that your post was offensive. Don't know where you're getting that.

1Cap Wrote:Also my post was completely on topic. Completely.
No, it was off-topic. Completely. The thread was about suspicions about Fury hacking, and you decided to talk about Xenon on how you thought he shouldn't be posting since he was an ex-cheater.

1Cap Wrote:It is absurd to the community accept and try to hide it.

Of course the fact that Xenon is an ex-cheater should be considered instead.
He knows how to work the cheater. He must have seen something in the game of Fury that got his attention. A ex-cheater should know better recognize a player who uses cheater. Yes, the fact that the Xenon is a ex-cheater should be taken into consideration.
- I was not of-topic! -
Do not offend anyone!
Why I received 20% warning level??

This has to be public, not via PM.
This has been happening a lot here in the forum. It must stop.
I will not accept this kind of punishment. It was clear?
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(05 Aug 12, 08:06PM)1Cap Wrote: Do not offend anyone!
Why I received 20% warning level??

Because you attacked a forum user, what do you not understand about that? You attacked another forum user

Quote:I will not accept this kind of punishment. It was clear?

It was clear. If you don't accept this punishment then go away from this forum.

No one was mistreated

No one was being racist

You deserved your warning

If you take over another topic (In which a split must be done) your warning level will be going up, end of discussion.
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Also, if you continue this ridiculous abuse of mods, I have no problem adding 50% to your warning. In which would get you banned for a bit.

Something I do have to mention, even if someone doesn't take offense to something you say, it doesn't mean it was abusive or potentially offensive. The end result actually has little to do with why I warn people for this reason. Its just not something that should be on the forums.

Also, I am most definitely racist. That is why I never let Brazilians in my clan.

P.S. No need to reply to this, as this thread has already been closed by another racist mod.

[X-Ray_Dog says hai <3]
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