Really, Really Bad Scripts
There was quite a few people yesterday on the IRC making stupit scripts...
so I thought that that I'd make this thread.

Here's two from me.

consolespam = [commanddoesntexist; sleep 1 [youllhavetoquitassaultcubenow; sleep 2 [consolespam]]]
terrible = [sensitivity 1000; sleep 1 [bind w "suicide"; sleep 2 [bind a "attack"; sleep 3 [say "My AC is dying!"; sleep 4 [bind s "say zOMG!!!111!!11!!!!!"; sleep 5 [bind d "consolespam"]]]]]]
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I wrote this "n00b's autoexec" a few months ago.
bind "EQUALS" [votemap 11 ac_desert]

bind "BACKSPACE" [loop i 3 [say "Drop flag pl0x"]]

exec config\List_of_Counter_Strike_Features.cfg
alias counterstrikealias [at [$List_of_Counter_Strike_Features] (rnd (500))]
bind "Q" [say "This game should have ($counterstrikealias)"]

bind "W" [forward; name unarmed]

bind "E" [say "dude your hacking"] // Misspelling intentional.

bind "R" [sleep 5000 [reload]]

bind "T" [say "how do you change wepons?????"] // Misspelling intentional.

bind "MOUSE2" [quicknadethrow; onrelease [suicide]]

bind "CAPSLOCK" [crouch]

alias sbconnect [(connect $arg1 $arg2); (sleep 2000 [disconnect])]

fov 75

bind "P" [shuffleteams]
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Quote:bind "MOUSE2" [quicknadethrow; onrelease [suicide]]
I don't need an autoexec for that.
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alias "timeloop" [sleep 60000 [gibtime]]
alias "gibtime" [echo (timestring); timeloop]
bind MOUSE1 [attack; gibtime]
Oh wait! It doesn't crash the client anymore!
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(30 Jul 10, 11:05PM)DES|V-Man Wrote: I wrote this "n00b's autoexec" a few months ago.
bind "EQUALS" [votemap 11 ac_desert]

bind "BACKSPACE" [loop i 3 [say "Drop flag pl0x"]]

exec config\List_of_Counter_Strike_Features.cfg
alias counterstrikealias [at [$List_of_Counter_Strike_Features] (rnd (500))]
bind "Q" [say "This game should have ($counterstrikealias)"]

bind "W" [forward; name unarmed]

bind "E" [say "dude your hacking"] // Misspelling intentional.

bind "R" [sleep 5000 [reload]]

bind "T" [say "how do you change wepons?????"] // Misspelling intentional.

bind "MOUSE2" [quicknadethrow; onrelease [suicide]]

bind "CAPSLOCK" [crouch]

alias sbconnect [(connect $arg1 $arg2); (sleep 2000 [disconnect])]

fov 75

bind "P" [shuffleteams]

Hahahahaha that is fantastic!
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alias sbconnect [(connect $arg1 $arg2); (sleep 2000 [disconnect])]
anyone seen DarthAlex lately?
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/bind mouse 1 [say "God Mode Act."]

i love this to get ride of noobs even if they hack they cant shoot me xD
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Hm, ok.
1.1 only;
alias haha [spectate; sleep 5000; attack; sleep 5000[haha]]
(I didn't spell check it, so it might not work, but I did use it before :) )
I also made this sweety in 1.0.4.
alias adminship [comlibserver; sleep 100; false; confuseserver; sleep 100; enterdebugmode; hackpw] alias comlibserver [if (= (currole) 1) [] []] alias false [echo 103937.10375soej.102u; adminpw 23] aliasconfuseserver [bind "W" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [forward] [backward]] bind "S" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [backward] [forward]] bind "A" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [left; drunk] [right; drunk]] bind "D" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [right; drunk] [left; drunk]]] (fov (+ (rnd 45) 75)) bind space [sensitivity 1000]; bind s [sensitivity .001]; bind lshift [scalelights -100 -100]; bind W [disconnect]; bind mouse1 [quit false]; alias getpw [gamma 1000; scopefov 1; soundvol 255; gibspeed 100; gibnum 1000; maxroll 20]] alias enterdebugmode [echo everything; say adminpw] alias hackpw [if (= (curserver) 100100011110101101001010010) [] connectadmin adminpw]

give that one to anyone who spams the message board wanting admin. Use it if you want :).
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Your mean RR. xD
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i cant even make sense out of that one its so messed up
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I had to disguise it, I dont know if he ever used it.
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Its not messed up, its easy.
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i am new to scripts i only know what a few of them mean, i could not think of a more appropriate word maybe clustered
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alias adminship [comlibserver; sleep 100; false; confuseserver; sleep 100; enterdebugmode; hackpw]
alias comlibserver [if (= (currole) 1) [] []]
alias false [echo 103937.10375soej.102u; adminpw 23]
aliasconfuseserver [bind "W" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [forward] [backward]]
bind "S" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [backward] [forward]]
bind "A" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [left; drunk] [right; drunk]]
bind "D" [if (= (rnd 2) 1) [right; drunk] [left; drunk]]]
(fov (+ (rnd 45) 75))
bind space [sensitivity 1000]
bind s [sensitivity .001]
bind lshift [scalelights -100 -100]
bind W [disconnect]
bind mouse1 [quit false]
alias getpw [gamma 1000; scopefov 1; soundvol 255; gibspeed 100; gibnum 1000; maxroll 20]]
alias enterdebugmode [echo everything; say adminpw] alias
hackpw [if (= (curserver) 100100011110101101001010010) [] connectadmin adminpw]

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bind MOUSE1 [attack; [sleep 6000 suicide] ]
i tested this on toobies computer and later saw him in-game yelling "SOMEONE IS HACKING ME AND MAKING ME SUICIDE"
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XFA +1
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yeah, drauls version is actually how I wrote it. Then I took out the returns.
Oh, and I made someone actually use this today, I doubt that they actually fell for it, because I gave them a link to the tread, and told them it was an aimbot. It was pretty great though.
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sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /

very funny command line fps in linux :P
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Mmh beware with this kind of scripts !
I had made one who said many things like "I am gay" when you click MOUSE1 and when I was testing it...

[Image: roflo.jpg]
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LOL!!!!! Luc@s. Thats the most funny MERDE thing I seen
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lol Luc@s :D
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Don't test those on public servers!! ROFL
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hahahahaha.. xD
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Smooth Luc@s... XD
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Reopened, because who doesn't need a good gravedig now and then? I expect Viper to post here soon to make it worth it
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Rofl, epic.

Here's mine

alias "This won't actually work because I'm noob at scripting"
say [I am being hacked!]
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That is a pretty bad script. Seeing as it wont work as well as:
alias readme "This won't actually work because I'm noob at scripting"
bind MOUSE1 [suicide]
say "I am being hacked!"
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I like XFA's
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Who do you think made this?
alias sing [
     alias j (+ $arg1 1);
     alias s $j;
     loop u $j [sleep (* $u 1000) [alias s (- $s 1); me "is going to sing in: " $s ] ];
     sleep (+ (* 1000 $arg1) 0) [ say "Baby, Baby, Baby OHHHHHH" ];
     sleep (+ (* 1000 $arg1) 2000) [ say "Like Baby Baby Baby NOOOOO" ];
     sleep (+ (* 1000 $arg1) 4000) [ say "Thought you'd always be mine" ];
     sleep (+ (* 1000 $arg1) 7000)  [ say "MINE"; suicide ]
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