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Hi jamz read is important
desculpe eu ter largado a MCNNM| devido a brigas de lideres decidimos fechar o clan !
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Speak in your native language. I'm sure most of us will be able to understand it better then.
Alas your english is not very understandable.
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seems important to me
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jamz se você poder trocar ou fazer algo que ajuda no assaultwiki para trocar o site e trocar o dono da mcnnm| eu agradeço
novo site da mcnnm e esse:http://mcnnm.enjin.com/
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Google is bad
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I've read it, and it clearly is very important. I can change the details for MCNNM, as can anyone with wiki editing rights, but I'm going to need a bit more than just your word that Boni has given you the clan. If you can, get him to email me using the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of this page.
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I'll talk to him facie Report he gave us mcnnm |

sorry my bad english
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The native language it is also not really understood me :S
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alexandree = jv ?
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Google Translate is not an authentic translator, also the AC Forums are in English.
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(12 Jul 12, 05:09PM)Theo_RJ* Wrote: The native language it is also not really understood me :S
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