AC|Academy Clan
Hello, I am glad to introduce a new clan to the AC scene, the AC| clan.
It stands for Academy Clan, and my goal is to put a new face on what our beloved game has become, by bringing AC interaction to a whole new level.
I am here to help this game evolve, and I am always searching for new and old players that want to teach the newer generations of cubers what this game is all about.
From lss, kinfe only or pf fans, to headshot@camper players or if you are searching for the competitive side of AC. I am proud to welcome everybody, although our ranking system will be hard to scale through - only outstanding members will be given high ranks.
It must be noted that for AC| double clanning is not only allowed but welcome so please feel free to apply, it all depends on what you are looking for...
For now, the social media is in the works, as it is our organization scheme.
If you are interested in knowing more about AC|, feel free to ask in this thread or to pm me, PaulMuadDibKA the clan ambassador.
Happy AC!
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So you are dub claning? :)

good luck, seems different. :D
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1. Still not a clan
2. You don't need to be in a "group" to help somebody.

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(02 Jul 12, 11:14PM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: We are constituted by 1710 members, and the list can be found here.

im on that list and i dont want it. F2
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(02 Jul 12, 11:46PM)Marti Wrote: im on that list and i dont want it. F2
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(02 Jul 12, 11:46PM)Marti Wrote: im on that list and i dont want it.

IMO players that come to the forums are knowledgeable to ask for help here, there is no need for such an enterprise such as these. Practically, it won't last long.

But ey, maybe i'm wrong.
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Hahahaha, you dont get a joke, and its by one {NoB}, one n00B} and one NooB| ! O.o
Every other new clan I see in AC is welcomed, but I build mine, clearly stated here:
Quote: a new clan to the AC scene, the AC| clan.
and I get...
I have edited the first post, so there is no misinterpretation.
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This heretic is trying to create a new helping atmosphere separate from the AC forums.

(03 Jul 12, 12:27AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: Hahahaha, you dont get a joke
So this idea is a joke? Phew!
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(03 Jul 12, 12:27AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: Hahahaha, you dont get a joke, and its by one {NoB}, one n00b| and one [nooB}]

Add a -nooB| to the dungetlejoke list.
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Paul, don't add people that don't even want or you haven't asked to your "clan". I don't feel this'll work, pretty much what Shadow said. Good luck anyhow.
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Why "clan"?
Let me make things clear...
Behind AC|
I have chosen to create a new CLAN, one that makes things different. For too long I have been wearing the mask, trying to pass as a normal AC player, the truth is, Im not.
I like GEMAS.
I like GEMAS very much.
And I feel it is my golden path, my only purpose, to integrate GEMAS with this community.
So, first, to all the people I have befriended, thanks for your kind support and awesome understanding, you guys rock.
And, to the haters, I understand you, maybe you couldnt read through me, maybe we didnt have the same expectations, but now I will make my goal clear; I want GEMAS to be recognized as a part of this game.
I want there to be a GEMA section in the AC forum, and I would like to see different sections as well. But this is not possible, so I will try to make a clan that recreates on this variety, instead of ignoring or despising it.
AC forums are a nice place and people are awesome, but when you start treating with them you see there is much "bad blood", and there have been ongoing grudges for quite a long time, almost 3 years now, and its becoming a grumpy place.
I am not a coward, and when I have a problem or create one I like to try to make things right. Most of the time I will fail to take the right choices, but I try to follow my heart.
So I will like to stand upright and declare that with this new step Im taking, I will forever be an AC|, and you are welcome to follow me, or criticize, or ignore.
But you are not welcome to doubt about me.
So, I ask forgiveness if I ever made you guys feel uncomfortable, or I laughed at you, or I said something wrong.
I do it out of love for this game, not out of hate for you.
So, bash Paul all you want, but bear in mind my real name is Jaime, and I am a human being.
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I play more gemas than clanmatches. I genuinely love them. I just don't see why I need an AC tag to show it.

Or am I completely misinterpreting your post? O.o
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If you want gemas to be a part of the game, stop calling them the portuguese word for fucking egg yolk. Cmon.
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(03 Jul 12, 03:36AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: I have chosen to create a new CLAN, one that makes things different. For too long I have been wearing the mask, trying to pass as a normal AC player, the truth is, Im not.
I like GEMAS.
I like GEMAS very much.
By no means am I trying to sound rude when I post this, but I disagree. To be honest you really haven't been "masking" this, for I've seen countless pre-spammadibka posts regarding GEMAs, so I highly doubt we will be surprised by this ;).

(03 Jul 12, 03:36AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: So, bash Paul all you want, but bear in mind my real name is Jaime, and I am a human being.
Yes, we are all mindful of that, it's just your "spambot"-esque alter-ego that makes us forget those things ;D. I'll speak for myself when I say this, but I have no beef with you "personally," but I feel that the quantity and type of posts you make give us a different impression of you. To be honest you come on REALLLLLLLLLY strong, almost stuffing the idea down our throats - I'm sure you can think of the countless threads you've written ;D. Even this is an example - first time I read through this I thought you were going on some sort of crusade o_O, which, to me, and probably others, seems a little extreme for a game. If you just sorta take a step back a bit (for example, maybe keep all these "ideas" in one thread? You may disagree with me, but I see a common theme in all of them).
And, the forums will always be a weird and wild place. All of them are. Look for the silver lining ;D.
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[Image: qm.gif]
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Weirdly enough, the first clan I was ever in was called |AC|.

Good luck, I guess.
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dude, you have all my support. Let me know if I can help you reaching your goals and thus, being happy ;-)
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^^ Hehehehe, you are great End_Game, thank you very much!
@Vanq, man, you don´t need an AC tag to show love for GEMAS, but think of me like an AC|tivist, XD.
Why not this?
[Image: tipos-de-gemas.jpg]
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I've never heard anyone call jewellery "gema"... Also pretty sure people would find you a retard if you called it that.
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Lol Misty, please enlighten me with a word to better describe GEMAS.
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teach all the noobs kkkkkk.
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(03 Jul 12, 04:29AM)Misty Wrote: If you want gemas to be a part of the game, stop calling them the portuguese word for fucking egg yolk. Cmon.
We're open for suggestions :)
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(05 Jul 12, 04:47AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: Lol Misty, please enlighten me with a word to better describe GEMAS.

heres a few pick wisely :

brainless, doltish, half-baked, idiotic, ill-advised, , insensate, laughable, moronic, pointless, around in circles, going nowhere, inane, ineffective, meaningless, silly, unavailing, uninteresting, unnecessary, unproductive, useless, worthless.
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"Parkour course", "parkour maps", "training maps", "I just did acid and pooped a map"... I don't know. Pleny of better names.

(Some of them look nice though, the last name is for the extreme shitty ones)
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Ironically, ac_parkour isn't a "gema."
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WTF, people who bring ideas to the AC forums only end up bashed and trashed for their genuine attempts to improve the game or help others. I am not talking about this case only; I've seen it multiple times already since I started reading these forums.

Sure, criticism is fine. But what does it lead to the unleashing of personal grudges/ATTITUDE/implied messages/anger/swearing. That`s not criticism to me. And yes, the original poster in fact escalated things too.

I'm not defending/supporting anyone here (ShadowFlameZ, Marti, Paul ==> you guys are still my AC budddies), but seriously, can't people be mature and show some respect for other CONTRIBUTORS?
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What's up your ass? I'm serious. I think a lot of people would take it more serious if it didn't have a stupid name
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Ill be short

The biggets % of gema haters comes from these 3 groups:
Frustrated Gema Hater = Tried gema, failed, starts mocking out of frustration.
Gema Hater Puppet Candy Ass = Never tried takes an "elites" word for it.

and the last would be
Basic Gema Hater = Hates everything thats not basic running around and pointing the aim at the enemy.

There are other combinations, but these are the main ones.

Misty, the word itself (I dislike it as well) is not a problem, something else is.
I could write about it all day, but its just not worth it.
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(07 Jul 12, 12:56PM)|HP| Wrote: I could write about it all day, but its just not worth it.

u should give it a shot
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