The Awesome and Senseless History of Assault Cube
That is, if Draul hasn't gotten arrested yet.
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In the orgasm, they
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The end.
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The reincarnation of the awesomeness had taken a full cycle of words to grow, and morph back into it's original state but finally it had come full circle. Feeling the awesomeness flow through his veins, Captain V-Mangius of the Free DES Vets demanded a reason to blast the infernally...
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, villainous MK for his unseemly long post.
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now we gotta start some rule about grammar because your post Reagan would only work if I had said infernally. Thou must from now on continue the sentence full blast and in sync xD
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What are you talking about?
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and somehow, something that was already impossible to understand, became even more impossible to understand!
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Therefore, TheCrema took
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some time off to
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eat some cake. Suddenly
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MrFloppy was no longer floppy which made me think about Ms Li and why she hurt my ass so bad.
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Mr.Floppy looged on to Akimbo
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and did whatever "looging" was
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which involved looging.
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And a rather large amount of KY jelly.

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or yogurt
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or a well thought out combination of the two.
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DrauL likes yogurt.
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But unfortunately for Mr. Floppy, Akimbo crashed like a motherf[bleep]cker.
So after asking DrauL, "Aren't you dead?", he proceeded to
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Take his banhammer

(Ps: offtopic sucess xD)
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Leoi Wrote:(Ps: offtopic sucess xD)


Leoi Wrote:Take his banhammer

And ban ac_douze from
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his pants.
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unfortunately, his pants
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were also banned.
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Then i used my level 50 Blastoise to obliterate the lvl 44 Venusar that my rival Gary_Face used.
All of a sudden,
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pokemon asploded. The DrauL whipped out his
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[content removed]

Mod Edit: This may be offtopic, but there are children here too.
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and got arrested!
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