[email protected]

hi i spoke to you earlier about join AssaultCube Elite founded by me and D.TopZ. I recognised your skill and i hope you will look at our new page that i recently made. http://www.xfire.com/clans/0ace0/ (we now have bout 4 members and you can make us 5 =))

You will definately need xfire downloaded (only 10mb) to communicate with me,admins,members, and even the recruits. after you install it a registration box will appear please fill it in!!! and e-mail me your username so i can add you. but if you are really smart you can try and add me my name is drpronage.

if you decide to join our clan please use the link at the start of this message, and click on forums, fill out the application provided, and then click on the link again and then 'join clan' located on the left side of the page, and indicate that your application is in the forums. cheers mate.

please be logged into xfire whenever you can especially when your in game. you can now put your tags on in AC 'you can use any name you like as long as you tell me' for example '=ACE=1Cap-R- (the R is for recruit)

cheers man. i really hope you take up this offer.
Thanks given by: