Those teamkills
I know accidental teamkilling in pubs is common, but damn. (Edit: I'm kinda joking, it's honestly not bad)

Also, that moment when you' realize you're literally the only one who hasn't teamkilled anyone xD
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Those inner cities can B} rough WAIT FOR IT :P
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How do you get these menus, cubescript or feature in dev version? (I assume you can only see hp and armor of enemies while spectating)
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(24 Sep 16, 10:45AM)gy_be Wrote: How do you get these menus, cubescript or feature in dev version? (I assume you can only see hp and armor of enemies while spectating)

I'm a wizard, Hagrid.

(Also, you were correct: )
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Da Apes are lookin to Da White Man for instruction
Thanks given by: gy_be , +f0r3v3r+
(25 Sep 16, 06:47AM)MorganKell Wrote: Da Apes are lookin to Da White Man for instruction

Originally, I figured it's probably not a good idea to release that to the public. I see some people using it maliciously to kick people who have accidental teamkills but haven't really done anything wrong. Then again, I could be wrong, I suppose.

Though, I will say that the necessary cubescript does exist in the current game (and probably has for a long time), but it's completely undocumented

(Edit: Honestly though I'm on the fence about it. If someone had a good argument, I might be persuaded)
Thanks given by: MorganKell , Mise"
If the CS for it is there then do it. Release it from your veins Thrawn!! Ignite the F I R E!!!!
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Here it is:
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