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31 Jul 16, 02:43AM
(This post was last modified: 31 Jul 16, 02:56AM by vector.)
am lost on that explain ? am sure all of ac want to know more of DnC.
It is time For3v3r tells all what Dnc is about.
your inviting players atm and am lost on this as I will advise noooo
yes it is everyone elses
what do you mean ?
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31 Jul 16, 06:02AM
(This post was last modified: 31 Jul 16, 06:09AM by MerCyKiL.)
(31 Jul 16, 01:11AM)vector Wrote: The very moment AoX went away we were shagged
haha AC was shagged long before that, bud
(31 Jul 16, 02:38AM)BaDMonkey Wrote: We owe nothing to anyone
It's really this here, Vector. Yes, it would be nice if each clan contributed something to AC but that isn't necessarily the point of a clan in most cases. The ones I've belonged to (that have last more than a couple days lol) have been solely about playing with friends.
In short, whether we like it or not, no one is obligated to do anything in terms of contributing to the game or the community.
Change in this game, as it is in every other facet of life, comes from those who are both able and willing. In this current situation, we have those who are able but not willing (and I do not mean this as a slight; I mean that they have other obligations in life they must or choose to attend to) and those who are willing but ultimately not able (you and me, bud).
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The one thing i always contributed was ingame skillage. Now I'm not saying I'm ridiculously l33t or anything just that if you ever found me in a server you were guaranteed to at least get a decent game. I've found that throughout AC's Awesomeness, yes it's still awesome, this is ultimately the best route for me to go. Free is awesome and the best way to solidify something is to stick with it. It may not be the glitziest most glamorous game out there by the Rest of the World's standards, and it may not even be that by our own... but it is ours. Lower the expectations a little, (yes I know how much lower can one go? xD), and just continue to click that Multiplayer button.
KH FTW!!! KH FTW!!! Triplepost ooncey ooncey shimmy SMACK
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02 Aug 16, 03:57PM
(This post was last modified: 02 Aug 16, 06:23PM by EndGame.)
I agree with someone who said ac needs to be advertised. That's the first step. Then, we need to keep players motivated and playing, of course. How can we do that? In my opinion, tournaments are the greatest tool we have to maintain players. Be it 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, ctf, htf, tosok or whatever. AC needs a group of people that take the organisation of tournaments to the next level (giving more than the colorful picture in forums). To be honest, the other day I was talking with teapot and some others and we liked the idea of giving gaming stuff to the winners of tournaments. I'm willing to donate real prizes and I'm sure some others too. I'm eager to hear your thoughts on this matter. I'm sure this is a great opportunity to improve our beloved game.
Please, avoid negativity and unfavorable criticism. We want to improve what we have.
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Endgame, I don't think we need to worry about advertising right now. Soon yeah, but not yet. We have the players. They are there. Where you ask? The Pubs. :). They are there. We should harness the potential of the shimmies who actually know what AC is before anything. A problem I've seen in the past is that the skilled gamers tend to just expect that their love for the game will translate to new people automatically. AC's true value lies in the blood, sweat, and broken W,S,A,D keys of a strafe devotee's keyboard. It is the grit and grime of learning to earn your kills by going National Geographic on that map. It's not COD and it never will be no matter what we steal from those achievement whores. I want to recommend a 2 year plan concept. More than just wanton silly frilly forum posts... but something legitimate. Start small, which we are. Grow big, which we will. That is what we should do. Build from our base despite the lack of faith that seems to pervade everyone who touches a keyboard on the forums these days. Start small and become big. Developing a plan should be done by shimmies. We need a well rounded group of sizzles who may espouse so many different viewpoints it hurts, but who have AC Love burning deep at heart. Let's do more than just give AC the chance this time. Let's make it the reality.
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06 Aug 16, 12:19AM
(This post was last modified: 06 Aug 16, 12:59AM by vector.)
yep that says it all..... We owe nothing to anyone
oh what you mean that if forver or mash want to work on it................. do they now own AC
and if so. I want to know how and why ?
vote >>> kick Sillymonkey.
Ass lick of the DNC clan......
What are you on about ?
f1 from me
seems my last post was deleted lol
But I will try again
Kick sillymonkey . Reason asslick of DNC .
Oh perhaps we might get a f1 from forever on this lol
I have looked at all your above ideas and in truth we have had it.
this forum is moderated.
blanked if you post a neg reply atm
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(06 Aug 16, 12:19AM)vector Wrote: seems my last post was deleted lol
Could mods (or mod) stop deleting posts.. give people freedom of speech instead of nazimoderating everything
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06 Aug 16, 04:08AM
(This post was last modified: 06 Aug 16, 04:10AM by DogDancing.)
I don't see that anything was deleted, not sure what you(vector) are referring to.
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Why on earth would anyone want to modify or delete your comments vector?
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X-Ray_Dog Wrote:An event caused the forum to roll back so instead of accusing us of deleting your posts, you can get your shit together first.
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Eh, isn't AC just a video game? We're here to be entertained and waste time. Why are there restrictions in what maps we can play? Why do some think that we all have a responsibility to improve and work on the game? AC politics are senseless, just relax and play the damn game.
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13 Aug 16, 11:14PM
(This post was last modified: 13 Aug 16, 11:15PM by Nemo.)
robtics vectors post was a way before forum was hacked
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but from what date was the backup?
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(13 Aug 16, 10:51PM)Viper Wrote: Eh, isn't AC just a video game? We're here to be entertained and waste time. Why are there restrictions in what maps we can play? Why do some think that we all have a responsibility to improve and work on the game? AC politics are senseless, just relax and play the damn game.
This relax-its-just-a-game-mindset is all right and sane as long as you won't mind this game vanishing tomorrow. However, some people around here would rather see this game to live on and maybe, just maybe, even evolve a little more in the future. That's where everyone who actually enjoys the game might at least not resort to counterproductive resentments, which is not aksed too much in my opinion.
Though, I don't see how "everyone has a responsibility to improve and work on the game" either. That's a little dramatically phrased there indeed.
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(13 Aug 16, 10:51PM)Viper Wrote: Eh, isn't AC just a video game? We're here to be entertained and waste time. Why are there restrictions in what maps we can play? Why do some think that we all have a responsibility to improve and work on the game? AC politics are senseless, just relax and play the damn game. "You are the game while the game lasts."
Yeah.. Its is just life. Try jump deep.
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(14 Aug 16, 01:27PM)Robtics Wrote: but from what date was the backup?
Posts from august 8th were reverted, only lost that days worth.