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AssaultCube Tutorial Ep.1: Settings and Basic techniques
Hi guys

I have been wanting to do this for a while now, and since I have had a small 1 week holiday, I dedicated some of that time to make a simple tutorial on some of the basics that every competitive player should know. Of course if you have played competitive for a long time and you are already skilled, then most of this information you probably already know.

This is a small attempt of mine to try to provide new players, that play a lot of pubs but they have formed a clan etc and they want to start playing competitive, some info which when I started playing competitively, no-one told me and helped me with whatsoever. We see a lot of these new clans, trying to have fun competitively and just getting absolutely rekt, and even sometimes taunted, and then they just quit.

In my opinion this is why we no longer see newer competition around, and i think that we all would like to see some.

So yeah I recorded myself, even though I am abysmal at explaining things, talking about basics and whatnot in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTTS0IHeHcw

Warning: I start with the really basic stuff first, then i go more in-depth later on
I know to most of you in this forum will find this useless, however if you know someone, etc that might benefit from it, please show it to them. Also if you have any ideas on what I could talk about next, or any input at all that would be great.

EDIT: For some reason its taking ages for Youtube to make HD available for it, its probably because it is such a long video. At the moment of this edit its at 480p

I hope someone finds this helpfull

Thanks given by: Robtics , Graziano , Nemo , +f0r3v3r+ , Million , Sanzo''
Great that someone made the effort to do this kind of video. gj
Thanks given by:
I have not looked yet as I am busy, but I will for sure.
Oh and thanks, nice to see people dedicate some time here and share skills etc.
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