Admins pool
I am not sure where to site this post. But it can be posted to another section anyway.

Lately in game, there is a lack of Admins. Servers are seemingly just left to run with no Admin control. This is worrying in the sense that new players get abused.
Even some of the established players just leave as their helpless to do anything.

Well thought of admins like Quico are busy atm, so perhaps with the amount of well established players there could be a sharing of admin privilages amongst your selves so that the game is no longer abused. In short why not get together and create a pool of admins from well experienced players. ( Server owners agreeing of course).
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Well, I connect to the servers when I hear that there are hackers, or someone vote abusing. But I can't be 24h/7 caring about let servers without hackers. There are lot of new servers where Im not admin too, so I can't have controlled all the servers :x
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I heard you were a JEDI and you could be anywhere xd
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Hehehehe, I can. But I can't abuse of my powers because it would get me to the Dark side of the Force
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I dont know how to express this............. But do something or new players will leave. I have given an idea and if you cannot arrange a pool of admins like cannon etc who plays lots idk what going to happen.

The hacks are everywhere.............. They dont give a hoot as there are no admins.
The abuse of newplayers is .......comical to watch as us lot do nothing.

do something.................. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for this edit.. I just realised I have made a mistake. I am asking when I should of been doing the footwork myself. I will be back when I have visited all the clans forums etc.

This is important to me and I should of done it myself sorry.
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Hacker or actual good player aliased?
Thanks given by: josivo
(02 Jan 16, 11:36PM)vector Wrote: I dont know how to express this............. But do something or new players will leave. I have given an idea and if you cannot arrange a pool of admins like cannon etc who plays lots idk what going to happen.

The hacks are everywhere.............. They dont give a hoot as there are no admins.
The abuse of newplayers is .......comical to watch as us lot do nothing.

do something.................. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for this edit.. I just realised I have made a mistake. I am asking when I should of been doing the footwork myself. I will be back when I have visited all the clans forums etc.

This is important to me and I should of done it myself sorry. ^^
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