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NLSB currently recruiting
NLSB is currently recruiting new members. If you are interested or have any questions send me a PM or email nolegsswollenballs@gmail.com. Also, be sure to check out our website www.nolegsswollenballs.wix.com/nlsb
Thanks given by:
LOL nice name, that's for sure. Good Luck!

PS: You might want to break up that email address a bit.
Thanks given by: NLSB-Ballz_MC
Thanks man
Thanks given by:
is Jesus on your team? No one can beat you ! Good Luck and Thanks God
Thanks given by: DogDancing , NLSB-Ballz_MC
Haha yes, jesus is in fact in our clan.
Thanks given by:
Good Luck!
Thanks given by: NLSB-Ballz_MC
