Allow admin to spec without taking slot

Idea for the next release: Allow someone to connectadmin and spectate without taking a slot in the server. This way we can allow the intended amount of users to connect while allowing the admin to observe if desired. Or would this defeat the purpose of setting the limit to what the server/bandwidth can handle?

If this is the case, alternate idea: Allow admin to interact with the server locally. Currently I can see server goings-on in terminal but I can't do anything unless I connectadmin. Perhaps should run a CLI program in which we can enter common admin commands without connecting using the client.

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P.S. I like your idea.
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Ah, thanks. I looked around for a wishlist thread but didn't think to check M&M.
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I thought it to be a strange section, too.
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We used to have this great little tool in 1.04, called GUI server interface (thanks to Toca) lets just hope he updates it to 1.1.
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