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"Server network error - disconnecting (normal)" message
Okay, this has been driving me crazy for a while now. I keep getting knocked off of servers giving me this message:

"Server network error - disconnecting (normal)"

I get disco, and then it will not let me reconnect to that server. Restarting game does not help. When I reload server list sometimes the server does not even show up again. Sometimes after about 15 mins, I can reconnect to it.

Anybody with this same problem and any solutions?

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Is your connection fine?
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Well, if you're sure, that it's not a bad connection on your end of the line - how about you start keeping record, on which servers that happened? Pls include the server's IP and the time of day in your record.
Chances are, that you just enjoy playing crappy servers :)
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This has occured to me several times, but not at the degree of your troubles. I'm still able to reconnect normally even then, and I'm quite certain that my connection is far more horrendous than yours... assuming that it is of a notable craptuality at all.

It's either a problem with the connection, or your installation. Try to reinstall and report back, whether or not there are any differences.
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stop recommending reinstalls - that will almost never solve anything (unless you manually damaged the installed files)

if you messed up your config, try renaming saved.cfg

PS: only one method solves less problems than "reinstall" and that is "repeated reinstall"
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and what if the installed files were involuntarily damaged, or misconfigured in some sort of way? windows works in mysterious ways, and the thousand of bugs yet to be unearthed are lying in wait. the worst part is, they're busy on that sheep operating system called windows 8.

if a proposed solution doesn't work, then it'll still usually lead to logical connections, especially if it's related to the problem. i like how you think your knowledge is unprecedented, are you albert einstein? you're now assuming he messed up his config in some mysterious way, more mysterious than windows itself

but what i really like is how you're only considering the possibility that he is at fault, messing up some file. how does one "manually damage" the files AC is composed of? provide examples, i'm an illiterate tech user. depending on your definition of "manually damage", your post may be contradictory.
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My connection is good, I'm on 20mbs fiber optic and my interwebz is always up after I get disco.

I have thought of reinstallation, now I'm not sure it will help. I have not manually messed with any AC files.

Is this a problem on my game or a server problem?...IDK

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(13 Oct 14, 12:58PM)G1gantuan Wrote: ... i'm an illiterate tech user.
Stop giving tech advice.

M$, why don't you try, what I suggested?
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indeed, why hasn't he tried your suggestion yet.

or maybe it was a terrible suggestion
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Hey, going out on a limb G1, but I think you should take a step back as stef has more experience in this field than you.

And he is right, reinstalling won't change anything.

M$, I have a shot in the dark for you (bad pun intended), are you playing on a WiFi connection? If so get closer to your router, and if all else fails, use an ethernet cord to get the best internet you can.
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(13 Oct 14, 03:49PM)Money$hot Wrote: My connection is good, I'm on 20mbs fiber optic and my interwebz is always up after I get disco.

I have thought of reinstallation, now I'm not sure it will help. I have not manually messed with any AC files.

Is this a problem on my game or a server problem?...IDK


Try allowing ac to pass through your firewall that might be the problem.
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I am connecting via wifi, My router is 5 feet from my laptop. Could try an ethernet cord - wouldn't hurt i suppose.
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