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You don't *have* to buy a headset to be a pro-gamer
I just bought some new headphones; got me some Superlux HD 681. While I was investigating them, I stumbled across this forum post. If you needed a new headset, but didn't want to compromise on headphone quality, this is clearly the way to go.
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I can recommend them too. I used to have them as well until they got broken ... by my own fault. For this money (I bought them for 20€) the quality is simply awesome. So if you don't care about design this is one of the best headphones in this price range.
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Can't read it, but i think it help a very little bit.
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For usa peers
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Yeah.. it seems like a very informative post, however my German isn't that gut
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you dont have to buy a headset but its easier to show off your e-penis with em on twitch.tv
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I think I must have missed making my point, which was the hand-constructed Lego mic boom on the headphones as an after-market add-on.
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Well it made me laugh so maybe I missed the point too.
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