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Sheep Model Request
Hey guys,

I'm making a map but I really need someone to make sheep model for my map.
Could someone make it?

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We need your sheepish help here :)
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(28 May 14, 11:52PM)Todesgurke Wrote: DES|sheep WHERE ARE YOU?!? :DD
We need your sheepish help here :)
Man :D you've stolen my words... arghh... MEEPPP... Cleaner help!!!! call sheep!
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Are you making ac_NewZealand? ;)
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finally... and i always thought i was the only one wanting a sheep model in assault cube :)

great initiative bugboy!!!

[Image: blacksheep.jpg]
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Great idea Bugboy :D
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I'm all for sheep, but we're going to have to take turns keeping the New Zealanders away from them.
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ajajjajajajaj, good idea :D
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(29 May 14, 07:33PM)Woolly Wrote: I'm all for sheep, but we're going to have to take turns keeping the New Zealanders away from them.

Welcome to AssaultCube - where the men are men and the sheep are scared....
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45 already knows what to do with Sheep ;) ...so i hope the rest of AC does too! (DES|Schaf was very kind to answer all our questions about sheep xD)

[Image: f179t1066p6896n2.jpg]

baaaaaaaahs for sheep models xD
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I did start a sheep model for my fellow DES|Schaf clan mate a while ago but got carried away by RL stuff, I'll get back to it as soon as I get a little more time on my hand. Promise ;)
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Still waiting for the model ;-)
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You can always get a sheep off MineCraft with wheat :)
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Lol pk. Don't be sheepish, just make da bloody mapmodel.
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