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Toxic Quest [TQ]
My IGN is [TQ]Krypt I have 2 servers running (Not 24/7) called Toxic Quest Public Server and I am the Leader of the Clan called Toxic Quest.

We are currently recruiting and have pretty good players.

The clan just started Today

Our Clan Website is: www.ToxicQuest.co.nr

Our Current Members Are:
[TQ]Krypt - Leader
[TQ]Fugic - 2nd Command
[TQ]Moto - Server/Support
[TQ]Lion - Captain
[TQ]Arabian - Member
[TQ]Anden21 - Member
[TQ]ViperLeague - Member
[TQ]David - Member
[TQ]Skills - Member

We have a Teamspeak 3 Server 240 Max Clients. If you want to join Address Port 9994

Instant Join Link ts3server://
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240 Max Clients? You have checked the bandwidth requirements and it can support this many?
Anyways, good luck and have fun.
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Sorry but I haven't ever seen one of your members. But GL!
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HF and GL. :D
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GL guys
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Good luck guys
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Thanks Guys and Girls but we are mostly on our servers address IP - Toxic Quest Public Server 1 - Toxic Quest Public Server 2

Server 2 is up at the moment if you want to meet few of the members :)

Our Teamspeak server can host 240 max clients we checked :)
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Good luck guys! :)
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Good luck and I hope to see you
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Anyway, I don't know why, THQ would have been cooler. It reminds me of those guys who made WWF SmackDown games :P
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One thing about your website: Link to the official download page, goddammit! Srsly, do you expect people to download windows executables from some dubious upload site?
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(30 Aug 10, 03:49PM)tempest Wrote: One thing about your website: Link to the official download page, goddammit! Srsly, do you expect people to download windows executables from some dubious upload site?

Fine ill include the official :D
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Good luck!
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Sorry I was that harsh, but we've seen this over and over again. Another problem is that those links might not get updated in the future (that's the main reason why so many people are still around with outdated AC versions).
So, thanks ;)

By the way, HF & GL!
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(30 Aug 10, 09:07PM)tempest Wrote: Sorry I was that harsh, but we've seen this over and over again. Another problem is that those links might not get updated in the future (that's the main reason why so many people are still around with outdated AC versions).
So, thanks ;)

By the way, HF & GL!
ill always update them :D for my members because faster download links
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Hey I got my own Montage yay watch below
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you seem to be set out very well, is the ts server hosted by a member or payed for?
if its hosted by a member maybe you could cut it down a little and run more in game servers!

if not, guess you cant, gl and hf :)

you should properly make an irc channel on gamesurge too, lots of clans are using that to communicate to each other
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Update on the Server IP

Toxic Quest Public #1 - Online
Toxic Quest Public #2 - Offline
Toxic Quest Public #3 - Online
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