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Exoduss represents me -

Congrats ExodusS!

Perfect the comments!
Some will fixate on details ... but the idea of ​​your post was magnificent.
It is a competition of developers ...
Scripts .. scripts .. scripts ..
I'm not having nostalgia. It is fact. The competitive landscape of the game is dead!
Download textures ... More maps ... Carabine! kkkkkkkkkkk This is secondary.
Ban obvious cheaters ... Ban players who have different opinion of the forum moderators .. (I'm talking noob Lucas) If my English was better he would not have taken advantage of it.
It's a big smokescreen.
Programmers who should be programming, entering the game and destroy the championships and interclans ... until in public they and their scripts appear.
Could it be otherwise? Sure. but..
In paid games just buy improvements.
Here is a game opensource ... But there is money to improve advantages ... Learn cubscript and be the king's friend.

Why there is no action to stop cheaters ?
Yes, the obvious cheaters are obvious ...
The server ban the player .. This analysis is 100% correct? So why the command to remove hax ban ?
Why the game is a contest of who has the better script ?

Ok , its just 4fun . It's just a game . There is no effective control . It's just fun .
I remember the championships arranged with pre -defined maps . The kkkkkk Drakas loved doing it ... Shotty in dry basis at Aqueos ... Your clan and your team won the championship because you used the best script and maybe some cheat . I do not care . Your cup is worth as much to me as your mouse with automatic firing .
I do not care if you know , on the screen, as I still have hit points .
Or if your phone is so espeial and can hear me walking even when you 're shooting and have bombs exploding ... Because your hitsound is perfect ! ;)

But all this is possible . Theoretically . But I do not know if it's your case . How to know ? 99 % of the time you use a fake name .

Well it's so much fun playing a game of competition and not think about winning ... lol

I can have a life and comment on the game . Nobody knows me out of the game and can not talk about me .
But in the game can . I'm the one playing AC without modifications .
If I want to modify the game and have advantages over other players ... I would be a developer, not a player ...
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I don't understand the point of this thread. :(
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I assume that 1Cap is annoyed slightly because he believed that Feng and I were cheating (in fact, we were all lagging on the |Ax| server), before my computer exploded :(
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(17 Nov 13, 10:29AM)C4rma Wrote: Racism!
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If you're bored to play with cheaters go play lss... there's the best ac community I've never found.
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great post from a wonderful contributor to this community
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I've been playing w/o any script running since somewhere around 2010 ... I still have lots of fun ingame, dunno what you are doing wrong
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(17 Nov 13, 12:52PM)Morrigan Wrote: tldr

russian hacker SCRIPTZOR!
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Stop trying if you say your english is too bad. This makes about 0% sense
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You dont need to read this..
Quote:Techniques for the prevention and detection of cheaters

A lot of money is at stake when we talk about cheats in online games , so there's a real war against the tools and practices aimed at defrauding the system . Despite the various security tools and encryption of data already available in the market , there is no ' easy way ' to stop cheaters . The researchers divided the Yan and Choi main preventive practices and overt to deal with this threat into ten groups , here only the five most important , in my opinion .

Detection of cheating Native
The battle between the cheaters and anti - cheat systems is very similar to the battle against the virus. However , the anti - cheats have an advantage in their war : the possibility of building a detection system with the software factory fresh. Many developers such as Joe Wilcox of Epic Games , think this is the best practice to avoid this threat .

Yan and Choi say that in case the company responsible for not being able to ensure its integrity , a protection system must be deployed to the server , and is commonly installed in a protected environment , making it difficult to cheater interfere with the operation of the software .

This is the modus operandi of HLGuard used by Valve in their games , it is activated during a random time window and saves all data as the percentage of correct shots , for example in the form of statistics and identifies the players who are well above average . There were no cases of players claiming they were only banned for being " too good " . This could actually happen , and illustrates the pitfalls of this type of technique.

Some detection systems act as an intermediary between the client and the server by checking data sent and received, and comparing them in order to find some modification made by third-party software on the way , while other systems act scaneando the client computer looking cheats or modifications to the CRC of the game . This is highly controversial , because in a way you're invading the privacy of the player , Sony tried this in their popular MMORPG EverQuest , but gave up after the massive negative feedback from the gaming community .

Reduce customer information
Some games run a full simulation of the game client side , this allows cheaters to find information they should not have access . The Counter Strike suffered this problem in its early versions , which forced Valve to develop the aforementioned HLGuard , which among other things would take the responsibility of the customer to generate information about some scene objects (avoiding wall- hack ) , and made the player does not receive information from other players he was not seeing .

This problem can be observed in most current RTS , where information about the " fog of war " in the map is stored on the client side , making life easier for the hacker who can , through little effort , modify the files relating to her giving full visibility of the map. This problem in recent Starcraft 2 .

Encrypt sensitive data
Cheaters had easy life a few years since most of the data were stored in memory or sent to a server in the same way as was found in the games . This has to be fought by encrypting important data and desired by cheaters .

Efficiency fix bugs
Matt Pritchard says that no developer can identify all the bugs out before the game , which makes it an indispensable system of crisis management which includes the release of software patches

An active community and responsive
An open communication channel with users is vital for a company that wants to be apart of what is happening within your game. There will always be players willing to betray cheaters and inform the staff about bugs and exploits are being used . Servers must respond quickly to the user so that he is aware that their information is being taken seriously by the provider company .

Cheating in online games is a serious problem with a large potential losses to the industry of video games if not treated with seriousness and aggressiveness . On the other hand , there are companies that profit from developing software and hardware designed for those who want to break the rules of the game ....

Is a mess. In AssaultCube we have scripts . And you can not control it . I know that there have been advances . In textures, for example.
Why do we need scripts ?
Open source does not mean insecure.
I believe that James is making a personal control of cheaters ... and every human process has flaws . Is this the price ?
I know ... there is the championship .. then there exists a modified client for this ... then we will see who is really good ...
nah ...

I agree that the game should have patches all the time . This would hinder hackers ...
Let's be pragmatic . If I 'm not programming for the game , does not mean that my statements are harmful .
I come here to speak on this foum when I realize that there is a risk to the game .
The community declined dramatically ! The number of players also decreased . And there is only one hope that things will change .
No one understands that this is a risk to the end of the game ? For the game does not have more support ... will not be a game without players ...
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Okay, so basically, you don't want:
- These devs
- Cheats
- "Scripts" which I assume are versions of cheats
- "Bad" players playing under fake names cus... it's not respectable? IDK your opinion on this.
I will address each of these points:
- The "developers" are the people who put time and effort into pushing the AC vehicle along, without pay (AC is a free game), imo the "developers" you're talking about are cheat makers? In that case, I can understand why you are slightly frustrated.
- Cheats - yes, I believe repeat and obvious cheaters should be banned, but not without good and irrefutable evidence. If you thought I cheated, that's pretty damn bad. Once again, it's okay to make claims so long as you have valid, irrefutable evidence.
- "Scripts" - Assume these are things which also give an unfair advantage to players. Yes, these are unfair, yes, they are frowned upon, but (referring to something like the hax jump here) deal with it, if people are going to use it, learn to play better to beat them.
- Aliases - I seriously do not understand why you care why some "good" players play under aliases and not use their real name in pubs. You yourself have played under alias (yesterday). Although some players do go under alias just to troll you, maybe he/she doesn't want their real name to be displayed ingame?
- Sound - Sound is a legitimate feature in AC, where modifying sound to your own advantage becomes cheating is another discussion which will turn into a flamewar.

All in all, this is going to turn into a cheating discussion and where to draw the line between legit and cheating. Please close this thread.
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Stop hating on other races you neo-nazis.
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why are there too few dutch ppl here.... couldve made a brilliant joke :'(
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i also have yet to meet a developer that is good at the game :DDDDDD
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(18 Nov 13, 08:19PM)Waffles Wrote: i also have yet to meet a developer that is good at the game :DDDDDD

y u forget jamz :>
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bah i prefer this one

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I do not have the right statistics ...but iI think the game has lost 60 % of players in the last six months ...
I see this as a problem ...
Yes , this game is really fun ! But it is sad to hear many mates saying : " I'll stop playing because there are many hackers here . "
The connection with the MasterServer is not good ...

As the thread was not closed ...

I really liked the new menu options .
I think scripts should be replaced with menu options .
I'm also liking the old players that are still playing . The community was more fun . The matchs have been pretty cool . It seems many aggressive players left .
The scenario of the game really changed .
I hope they get in the game more cool mates !
I have spent good hours fun playing ...

My conduct is never pay for games . I will not pay , but I can say a few words of thanks to those who strive to keep the game running . I know and i belive - They do it because they want to . The reason is private. But for my part I wish to express and share my moments of joy and fun .

* ps -IMO - Any letter makes a difference here in the forum . Positive. Negative. Political . Sarcastic ... everything is mixed together and creating new ideas . Each letter is a note to the great remix of the game .
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It's the brazilians fault
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(19 Nov 13, 08:18AM)1Cap Wrote: The connection with the MasterServer is not good ...

such a stupid comment... in such a stupid thread.
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(19 Nov 13, 06:56PM)Luc@s Wrote:
(19 Nov 13, 08:18AM)1Cap Wrote: The connection with the MasterServer is not good ...

such a stupid comment... in such a stupid thread.

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I was talking to a maker of scripts last night ... He told me that he uses all the keys on the keyboard . He presses a button and jump like a frog . Presses another button and is shaking as if the polar cap . Another button and your pistol shoots like a smg ... He said something about increasing the volume of some sounds .. but I did not understand .
He said something like : " the most interesting things I will not tell you ."

I see many players starting to use some commands in the game ... then they start creating your scripts ... then they get scripts from other players ...
Then consult the forum that says : " There can be no advantage over other players ." " You can not change the game .. " .
The script that does not bring advantage is for nothing !
Besides, who judges when the modification is wrong . Who punishes players who " changed " the game ?
The rules were never clear and this is the main point . So I do not include assalcube as a game created on the idea opensource .
The community itself is not free . It is heavily moderated .
In my opinion all that changes a fun game for a game of EGOS .
And makes many begin to use cheats to play .
Yes , I attribute much of the responsibility to the game and downsides for those who do not use scripts .

Well, I 'm not sure ... perhaps the purpose of the game AssaultCube is teach programming ... Making through scripts ...

** It has been said here in the forum that MasterServer need redundancy .. Mirroring .
Also the first connection , it is usually followed by messages like "cant connect ... " . Even in - Its true , ask around.
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(19 Nov 13, 08:16PM)1Cap Wrote: I was talking to a maker of scripts last night
He said something like : " the most interesting things I will not tell you ."

stop talking to xiters
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Exoduss and you say that the game changed but people have always been using scripts and bright skins. Its not something that is recent. I do agree with you that the game feels different and its because almost everyone is an excheater. Only a few non cheaters are left.
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Proof pls
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1Cap Wrote:I was talking to a maker of scripts last night
Names. Say names.
1Cap Wrote:Presses another button and is shaking as if the polar cap
A what? What is a polar cap?
1Cap Wrote:Another button and your pistol shoots like a smg
What do you mean exactly with 'like a smg' Do you mean they increase the fire rate of the pistol to equal that of the smg (modded client)? or Do you mean that troughout 'a script' 'they' can make the pistol to shoot automatically certain number of bullets?

I believe that 'devs' must define a clear line about what is scriptable and what is not. They are scripting way 'beyond' of what is 'healthy' for the gameplay. Ability to fire a weapon by the means of scripts is plain fucking stupid. Who implemented this fucking idiot idea? What's next? Are you planning to release an 'OnMouseOverEnemy' to complete your master piece? Haha AIMBOT endorsed by 'devs' ;)

Really, what do you expect by posting this?
If you hang in a steak above a pack of unscrupulous dogs that will do anything to take advantage by whatever means necessary, do you expect they will ignore the steak? Of course not, they will try to get the steak even if they need to sell their moms to a pimp! Hahaha
You want to be in the competitive side of this game? You'll need to play 'their' unfair game as long as you or 'devs' change it. And yes, this will be a script war, the game will be just secondary, merely a host for your scripts:) . You don't want to be in the competitive side of this game? Then just chill out and have fun with people you usually hang out. Leave out fucking politics, you'll get more respect if you do so, than those high level 'skilled players who used scripts and modded clients'.
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(19 Nov 13, 08:16PM)1Cap Wrote: ** It has been said here in the forum that MasterServer need redundancy .. Mirroring .
Also the first connection , it is usually followed by messages like "cant connect ... " . Even in - Its true , ask around.

oh really ? don't you fucking realize such heavy changes take time and require money ? we have no income. guess what ? you're not helping in any way.
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It's been up (MS) for a few weeks straight just fine as of now.
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(19 Nov 13, 09:20PM)bballn45 Wrote: Only a few non cheaters are left.
Yep, 90% of players in this community have cheated before. Definitely.
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