[Mapmodels] Fences
hello, i have re-open milkshape and done a little washoing of the old makke fences.

in fact, they are md2 models, and are hard to fix, so i created some new fences using same model for example.

I created a nex texture that gives at my fences an old dirty metal aspect.

Those new fences would permit to not put fence posts every where cause they are close without problems.

(ps: again, sorry for my english, i'm totally unable to say that i really want)

the problem : (and why i started to do that)

[Image: fences01.jpg]

and now :

[Image: fences02.jpg]

with it, ac_shine looks like this:

[Image: fences05.jpg]

bonus: an open fence door:

[Image: fences03.jpg]
[Image: fences04.jpg]

they have a dirty metal look, but i will create two alternative textures: rusted and oiled black metal with brilliant steel grids

here we are.

Thank's for your attention, and all returns are welcome

the file: HERE

they are packaged in boeufmironton folder, but you can use it to replace your old fences models

ps: to cleaner: i'd love to have your opinion.

re ps: i hope it's really a makke model, i was not 100% sure
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I like very much this texture, it make a great light effect with the brightness of the map.
I'm really waiting your alternative texture of rusted and black metal!
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Get this stuff official, now.
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(06 Sep 13, 03:09AM)Andrez Wrote: Get this stuff official, now.
yes wtf is the delay. this should've been done a looooong time ago. sexy work beouf
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thank's for your enthousiasm

i realise that i could make the door separate from the fence:
1 model fence
1 model open fengate
1 model fence door
1 model fence post

same number of models but door could be put open or close...

don't know if it can work (cause the center position of the gate) but will try
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Sorry to burst your bubble, but Cleaner already converted all (except for jcdpc's 3x models, which have licensing constrictions) AssaultCube models.

Take a look at makkE's models, note they're all md3!

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Hello RandumKiwi !

I had a look and found this:

[Image: fence.jpg]

in fact it's the same with same problem, just converted to md3

ps: what bubble ? i just try to bring my stone to the edifice, just a dwarf on the shoulders of the giants that made AC... I have a greatest respect for Cleaner, MakkE, misterfloppy etc... that made ac what it is :)
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Hi Boeufmironton,
This has been buggering mappers for ages and I salute your efforts to sort it out.
Just one thing, next time you want to rework some official material please get in touch with me first, this could avoid unnecessary duplicate work.
I'll explain...

You haven't been around for a while so they are obviously a few bits and pieces that have evolved/moved/changed within the game that you are not especially aware of (like you ladders added to package for example).

First off note that for various reasons we have now moved on to .md3 and that in next version all mapmodels are reworked and converted to that format, I suggest you start using SVN so that you can stay up to date with development.
(EDIT: RK posted while I was replying ;) )

So, right now in SVN these fences models are already converted to .md3, but still remains the glitch you mentioned and the pretty much ugly z-fighting...

[Image: rWyJYH3.jpg]

Some time ago Bukz asked me if you could have look at that z-fighting issue and eventually fix it... To get rid of it the main idea was to switch from the actual 2D flat plane using .png image to a proper 3D grid using .jpeg, whilst doing so I also fixed that blending problem...

[Image: OJpvRcC.jpg]

Unfortunately the problem I was now facing is that with a full 3D model the polycount is unacceptable... V=402, T=592 and even more for the models with doors (keep in mind that they are often several of these models in a small area). After a few other tests I figured out that another way around it was to go for what you exactly just did... 2 planes close to each other and with .jpeg skin.

Anyhow, although at the end of the day the result is still somewhat arguable with polycount at V=423, T=264 (just the fence) they are the best option so far and since I haven't yet reworked the models that way myself I see no objection at all at adopting your models for next version.

I will however discuss the case with other devs and I'll keep you posted about the outcome.

PS: Be careful with MilkShape, it has the bad habit of automatically set frames count to 30, remove them before exporting, your model should only be 10Kb not 320Kb ;)

RePS: I took the liberty of optimizing the skin.jpg file... 200Kb > 70Kb (no visual alteration whatsoever ;) )

[Image: w7iM2xG.jpg]
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to cleaner:

ok, thank's for your explications and returns

i'm happy that my work can be usefull

three questions:

1 do i have to re-export my models with frame to 0 ?

2 how did you smalled the skin file (did you pass to 256x256 ? or is it just the resolution)

3 what do you think about my idea of separate the door and the open gate ?

and last: what about the idea of put more space between faces of grid to gain 5 faces (*4 for normal fence) ?

looking for your answer :)
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(06 Sep 13, 10:25AM)Boeufmironton Wrote: ...

1 do i have to re-export my models with frame to 0 ?


3 what do you think about my idea of separate the door and the open gate ?

Bottom right corner of Milkshape's interface is an animation toolbar. There's a few boxes with some numbers in them. Make sure they are all 0 before exporting. :)

Also I'd like to see the door as well in the ac package.
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(06 Sep 13, 10:25AM)Boeufmironton Wrote: 1 do i have to re-export my models with frame to 0 ?

As D3M0NW0LF said, go bottom right and set anim to:
[Image: f9gDD8G.jpg]

Once done you can export.

(06 Sep 13, 10:25AM)Boeufmironton Wrote: 2 how did you smalled the skin file (did you pass to 256x256 ? or is it just the resolution)
I didn't modified dimensions at all, I just tweaked some values that aren't visible to the naked eye like chromatic aberration aso.

(06 Sep 13, 10:25AM)Boeufmironton Wrote: 3 what do you think about my idea of separate the door and the open gate ?
This idea was already in the back of my head, especially with forthcoming models flip/rotate feature, the main problem will be the axis and that the door frame will probably have to be reworked accordingly (hinges/axis/cube selector).
I haven't looked at it properly yet but yes it's a plausible possibility.

(06 Sep 13, 10:25AM)Boeufmironton Wrote: and last: what about the idea of put more space between faces of grid to gain 5 faces (*4 for normal fence) ?
I'm not sure if I get it right but if you're thinking of making a fence made of pentagons instead of squares I wouldn't advice it at all, it may look better but just think ahead of the amount of polys it's going to need...
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(06 Sep 13, 11:53AM)Cleaner Wrote:
(06 Sep 13, 10:25AM)Boeufmironton Wrote: and last: what about the idea of put more space between faces of grid to gain 5 faces (*4 for normal fence) ?
I'm not sure if I get it right but if you're thinking of making a fence made of pentagons instead of squares I wouldn't advice it at all, it may look better but just think ahead of the amount of polys it's going to need...

no, no

my idea was to make less grid line to obtain a lowest poly than the original.

The grid will be less dense

and thank's again for your answer, i will work on all that and post the new version of model when it will be ready :)
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Ho I get it now. Well why not, just need to see how it looks like really... As long as it doesn't strafe away too far from the original item.

btw, please use AKIMBO to post material, even at beta stage.
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This looks almost resolved, but I'd like to point out that both of you know french. So if you are talking to Cleaner, it would only make sense to talk in French.

(06 Sep 13, 11:53AM)Cleaner Wrote: I didn't modified dimensions at all, I just tweaked some values that aren't visible to the naked eye like chromatic aberration aso.

Had to look this up (so forgive me if I'm being ignorant), but this sounds more like a camera distortion and not something you could remove from a texture.
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(06 Sep 13, 10:13AM)Cleaner Wrote: Some time ago Bukz asked me if you could have look at that z-fighting issue and eventually fix it... To get rid of it the main idea was to switch from the actual 2D flat plane using .png image to a proper 3D grid using .jpeg, whilst doing so I also fixed that blending problem...

If you don't want Z-fights and a fully 3D model, you can still get a 2D grid where everything still cross (and not 2 planes close to each others).
Sorry, the explanation is in French...

Il faut juste prendre l'une des 2 faces qui se croisent, disons juste celles qui partent d'en haut à droite et se terminent en bas à gauche, et lui faire effectuer une rotation suffisante pour que les bugs de zone disparaissent, 1% devrait même suffire, enfin j'en sais rien il faut tester. Comme ça on garde le même nombre de faces logiquement. Il faut aussi garder un angle petit pour que ce ne soit pas visible par les joueurs.

Je voudrais bien donner l'axe de rotation, mais vos impressions d'écran ne montrent pas X, Y et Z. Mais bon je pense que c'est assez explicite.
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We could speak french indeed, I known Boeufmironton has little troubles with english ;)

As for chromatic aberration it's a mate of mine who showed me this trick but I wouldn't at all be able to explain what is technically happening there (he did roughly explain to me tho but I roughly forgot all about it), apparently different stuff/process from optical to digital... All I remember is that it can sometimes (not always) reduce the file's weight without affecting graphic details.
Sorry for not being able to enlighten you any further on the subject.
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ok, here's the result

i leave down the idea of opened gate for the moment, so, this 4 models using same skin (even fencepost) are enable to replace old makke fences.

i propose with it 2 alternates textures found in textures/boeufmironton/alternate_textures/fences one half rusted, one rusted.

i recreated the texture to have a refiel effect of the grid (roud section)

hope it will work and satified you

returns are welcome

the .rar archive HERE

rusted texture:

[Image: fence_rusted.jpg]

normal texture:

[Image: fence_normal.jpg]
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Pretty kewl!
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ok, bug fixed, texture and models remade

it seems to be ok, if i diden't missed something

the file for download:HERE
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(06 Sep 13, 06:01PM)Cleaner Wrote: As for chromatic aberration it's a mate of mine who showed me this trick but I wouldn't at all be able to explain what is technically happening there (he did roughly explain to me tho but I roughly forgot all about it), apparently different stuff/process from optical to digital... All I remember is that it can sometimes (not always) reduce the file's weight without affecting graphic details.
Sorry for not being able to enlighten you any further on the subject.

chromatic aberration is just a consequence of the variation of the refractive index depending on the wavelength. (basically it's what makes a prism show white light spectrum)
although i can see why it can be important in photography and why there are numerical functions to compensate this effect i'm not sure why it would reduce the jpeg size. Maybe that chromatic aberration reduction algorithms affect the "spatial frequencies" of the image, making the compression more efficient. It would be interesting to check.
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ultimate version, packaging more efficiency (does this word exist ?)

and add on: horizontal cylinder and open gate


ps, you have to rename folders if you want to use it in old maps, this folders are created for next version
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