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wb ~FEL~ !
Hi everybody!

I’m glad to announce the reborn of one of the most important Latin clans, Fuerza de Elite Latina ~FEL~. It’s been a year and something since JAckRoCk*, one of its founder, declared that It was time to “give a rest to the clan”
Some days ago, A year and half later Hernan a.k.a hgf-arg, SEXOLOCO, elCr@ck! and me have decided to bring it back from hell, like a phoenix rising from ashes, and be a friendly and competitive clan that you can count on to play matches and inters, have fun, talk, train, etc.

Our current roster is the following:
More are to be added soon.

Our website is still under construction but you can still have a look at it going to www.fel-clan.com
You can come and talk to us visiting our teamspeak ac.fel-clan.com

any doubts concerning ~FEL~, do not hesitate and get in touch with us. We will happily be there for you :-D

Wish us luck and if you want to help us setting up servers or whatever, you are more than welcome!

Have fun
See you around!
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Buena suerte amigos !
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Good luck :)
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Good luck! Nice website/forum, even though I can barely understand it. :D
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South America can now compete under the tag ~FEL~.

EDIT: Also good luck with the revival.
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Good luck/Buena suerte!
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Good Luck =]
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@Harrek, muchas gracias amigo. Ven a visitarnos para que practiques tu Español.
@xenon and Million, thank you guys. Hope to face you soon and cause you some troubles ;-)
@V, thanks dude! I will translate it so that you can read it in English too.
@orynge, thanks for the support! We will eagerly have infers and matches with/against you!
@krayce, Thanks! You can come and have fun with us whenever you want!
@.condy, brigado meu amigo!
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Where is jackrock? :D
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Nice clan,
Good Luck ~FEL~
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Nice looking roster, best of luck to you guys ! :)
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really really happy to see this clan is back, especially with the new members all being awesome people! best of luck and happy fragging!
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(31 Jul 13, 01:12PM)Orynge Wrote: South America can now compete under the tag ~FEL~.

EDIT: Also good luck with the revival.
What about this?
ACWC Rules Wrote:...if we see teams that are attempting to "stretch the boundaries" of countries, or teams that are attempting to make clan-like teams, we may deny these entries from participating.

glhf FEL
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and glhf
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@marti, thanks dude! :-) Jackrock is in DES| and gave us his support to the project :-)
@PiToN, brigado meu amigo, hope to face aK| soon.
@DamDam, thanks my friend. Hope you come down to our ts some time so we can have fun ;-)
@Mercy, I'm more happy because you are happy for us! :-D you can come whenever you want and have some fun here!
@Wolf, no seas troll x-D el clan lo creamos después de la inscripción. Gracias de todas formas por el apoyo.
@m@C, thanks! we can play whenever you want, just visit us and we'll try to play!
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WTF End, I always thought you were a German lol

WB e boa sorte amigo :-D
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Great to see! GL!
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Shushetumadre EndGame aweonao. boa sorte

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wait so you have to speak spanish?
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Buena suerte con el clan :)
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Los conchas, unidos nunca seran vencidos!

Muy buenito esta el clan locos, se quierem mas unos latinos ahy unos tipos em M|A que los regalo free of chargeZ...

Buena surte weons, quando quieram una paliza es solo procurar por papa Crema, el Palizador Master de AC!
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(31 Jul 13, 05:11PM)Marti Wrote: Where is jackrock? :D

I'm here :D just that now I'm in DES| but they have my permission to use the clan name and tag that goes with it, and I'm hoping they can have the fun I had when I was there, it's good to see something you love back, even if you're not a part of it :)

Buena suerte locas.
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Their reaction if Jackrock was angry instead.
[Image: tumblr_m00p8fJZWc1qk682c.gif]

Good luck :D
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@Theo_RJ, brigado amigo. Eu soy de Chile! nao falho una palabra em aleman kkkk
@Cactus, thanks man. We will need your wishes of luck for what comes! ;-)
@Pablito, te estamos esperando.
@Whop, yes and no x-D. You just need to be Latin American but we can make some exceptions ;-)
@ZOGuito, te estamos esperando.
@cremoso, hdp, parece que no sabes quien se está llevando las palizas últimamente. Respecto a tu regaloZ...quédatelos mejor x-D, que ocupen espacio en tu closet hahaha.
@jAcKRoCk, siempre tendrás tu lugar acá :-) basta que te decidas no mas.
@Nightmare, lol hahahha but we first ask and then created ;-) thanks you man, we'll be around to play just let us know ;-)
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