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Gives you two options, if you've got balls you click on it, it can be either 'A' or 'B' but you don't know until you click ;)
90% are NSFW. This is hilarious, glhf.
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Dat suspense.
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i do this at shit parties with my friends

the screams of wimpy 15 year olds heard round the world

best reddit gg
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it's intense
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i giggled
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(11 Mar 13, 04:08PM)Cemer Wrote: i do this at shit parties with my friends

the screams of wimpy 15 year olds heard round the world

best reddit gg

u mean subreddit, like living in today's society isn't desensitizing enough...
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* X-Ray_Dog subscribed to this subreddit a while ago and is still never disappointed.
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