Led by Bukz's idea of a .cfg cleaner, I'm developing a map cfg generator. It basicly consists of preset cfg files that have specific textures/mapmodels/settings regarding each theme (desert, snow, industry/facility, urban). It also allows you to set fog distance, shadowyaw, and skymap, while fogcolour and watercolour are already set according to the chosen theme. Here it is!
>> Map CFG Generator
It is written with my tiny PHP knowledge, so don't expect anything great. Not every setting works, but you can try it by choosing snow theme and steini2/3 skymap.
- set minimum and maximum fog value if < 64 or > [s]128 (typo) 1024, and default values if blank; same for shadowyaw values;[/s]
- add a skymaps gallery on the bottom page;
- make a detailed brand new theme-specific cfg (current snow theme is ac_arctic, desert theme is ac_desert3 and urban is ac_urban ofc; temporary, for testing purposes);
- possibility to switch from version 1.1 to 1.2 and viceversa (thanks to Lucas for this idea);
Any idea/comment/critique is warmly welcome!
>> Map CFG Generator
It is written with my tiny PHP knowledge, so don't expect anything great. Not every setting works, but you can try it by choosing snow theme and steini2/3 skymap.
- set minimum and maximum fog value if < 64 or > [s]128 (typo) 1024, and default values if blank; same for shadowyaw values;[/s]
- add a skymaps gallery on the bottom page;
- make a detailed brand new theme-specific cfg (current snow theme is ac_arctic, desert theme is ac_desert3 and urban is ac_urban ofc; temporary, for testing purposes);
- possibility to switch from version 1.1 to 1.2 and viceversa (thanks to Lucas for this idea);
Any idea/comment/critique is warmly welcome!