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A thing to think about
Why do people on AC say kkkkkkkkkkkkk??

what does it mean? not (kkk)

i need some answers about this. kkkkk is annoying
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Only friends of the king will understand.
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Ingenius invention by our beloved Brazilian brothers.
Used mainly when you kill someone and they wish to show their firm belief that your kill was utter shit and unworthy for their vast superior skill.
Sometimes also used when a highly ego-ed Brazilian player is killed by someone they see as inferior, unexperienced, unskilled, and/or unknown.
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It's our version of jajajajjaa.
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i always though jajajajaj was like a warcry..
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[Image: previewid.jpg]
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[Image: 539fe39c62a8409583dae3a.png]
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FR: hahahahaha
AUS: ashuashuahduahsudhaus
BR: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
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nah, us saying ahsahsuahsuhasuhaushahs is us making fun of brazilians even more.
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The hell if I know why they say that but, it seems there are two languages in brazil, one is the portuguese and the other is the kkk-guese, yes it is annoying the first times, idc nowadays.

Edit: I believe I've heard some brazilian in MW2 in the favela's mission, single player (Wolverines?) saying some sort of "kkk" just before fragged him with my grenade, but I can't recall well. It seems a pretty well coined term that reaches the sphere of video games.
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(24 Dec 12, 06:52PM)TheNihilanth Wrote: saying some sort of "kkk"

If they only say this, it's not the same thing. lol
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thing to think thing to think thing to think thing to think thing to think thing to think thing to think thing to think thing to think thing to think thing to think thing to think thing to think thing to think thing to think. my tongue hurts know
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im died, kkkkkkk
I killed you, kkkkkk

We are a happy people


kkk + kkk + kkk = kkkkkkkkk

i'm enjoying = kkkkkkkk... Cool = kkkkk...
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(24 Dec 12, 10:14AM)MykeGregory Wrote: i always though jajajajaj was like a warcry..
thats just laughing xD the j sounds similar to english's h, just a little harsher and it's done with the top of the throat, so it sounds similar to hahaha
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Brazilians are funny people and they can understand spanish speaking people pretty well, sadly the contrary is not (in my case), I can catch the drift of some of the jokes they say but sadly I think this jokes loose much of its meaning due to bad translation/usage of english language.

Here is what I found on the net. Stereotypes.
Edit: Ok, here it is.
Edit 2: Updated
[Image: howtheworldlaughs.jpg]
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le ha?
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that uh "POASOPAKSOAAS" was started with the emocore movement, and I'm not even joking. Blame them, the dummies all followed those weirdos into that. They also were the ones that started writing StuuFf liiiKe thiS', which mortifies me til this very day

always the kids ruining the internet
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(25 Dec 12, 08:49PM)Misty Wrote: that uh "POASOPAKSOAAS" was started with the emocore movement, and I'm not even joking. Blame them, the dummies all followed those weirdos into that. They also were the ones that started writing StuuFf liiiKe thiS', which mortifies me til this very day

always the kids ruining the internet

no brazilians
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le ha le ha le ha le ha le ha le ha le ha le ha
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Wrong, in France we don't laugh.
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[Image: herax.jpg]

and this

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(27 Dec 12, 10:44PM)YourSister Wrote: This:

img = http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/5694/herax.jpg

I laugh every time.
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That's how the polite Brazilian internet ppl do it. And yes, they don't hang around AC much...
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