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Master-Server not reply .....
Hi Guis,
I don´t knowing, what´s going on ......i´m don´t inside a blacklist ....and i hate it, there are cheats .......fast and a fair game ......but i can´t go into the masterserver .....an AC-MOD was writing me at mail, it´s all ok, but it´s wrong .......
Please looking inside, how is that fail ......and if you mean, there is a problem with me .....tell me that at mail ......my OS is based at Xubuntu 12.04 LTS and XFCE ......and there was no time a problem ...

I´m Owner and MOD from the Linux+Android Communitie on G+
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Mario TUX (Playing-Name = 08/15)
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Are you running the latest version? Type /version in game and if it isn't v1.1.0.4, then you will have problems. Simply update if that is the case from the downloads page on this site. Some users download AC from the ubuntu app store which is a few versions outdated.
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(31 Dec 12, 09:41PM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: Please...don't...use...so...many...periods...
They aren't periods, they're ellipses.
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