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It is probably not a big news for you guys, but i caught .AcP.montana cheating (head shot cheat) and admitting that he does cheat. He, i guess, uses a proxy server or something similar to hide his IP as he avoided our bans.

Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?49xg6d35999vc8t

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Not again... that guy is everywhere.
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Come on... It's an IMPERSONATOR, how many times will we have to repeat IT
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What, he impersonates only Montana? Muhaha :D
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These are the ip's i've got for this guy under various names. The Real Montana is in France i believe, this guy is in USA and i dont think it is a proxy.


i would suggest :
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I know there are software that can show whatever IP you want. With these you can easily become a Korean, an Australian, a German, an American, etc.
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"I know there are software that can show whatever IP you want. With these you can easily become a Korean, an Australian, a German, an American, etc."

These are proxy servers and they will make you extremely laggy coz the data will be passed to these server then that data packet is send to the game server and back. For multiplayer game it will be useless even if you find the way to configure your computer for that. Sry if i am wrong i don't have much knowledge of proxy servers but still browsing with these proxy servers is a bad experience.
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No, I am not talking about proxy servers. I am talking about software that can hide your real IP and show some random IP from, i don't know, China, Russia, Zimbabwe etc.
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No. Again, I repeat everything because it seems to hard to understand for many guys (including some blacklist maintainers) :
this guy is using many proxies, located everywhere. He has been impersonating AcP members for more than a month now I think.
We told it many times.
I thought it was clear, but no.

EDIT : and the real imposter is french, he already came on the forum and told cheat. He was banned her many times.
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I think you are wrong. The "real" montana that you clam to exist, is from France. This "real" guy has a French flag on TS as his user icon and he is the admin of .AcP. channel. I don't think that "impersonator" somehow got his TS identity and password, did he?
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oh come on !
The real montana is impersonated by a FRENCH hacker, who impersonated ALL acp.
That's all.
Note : they were sometimes connected at the same time on my server, they are NOT the same.
And the french impersonater is using some proxies.
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Okay, luc@s, chill out x) Let it be the way you say it x)
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(16 Aug 10, 12:17PM)P@ndel Wrote: No, I am not talking about proxy servers. I am talking about software that can hide your real IP and show some random IP from, i don't know, China, Russia, Zimbabwe etc.
No such thing. Even if one of the computers was reporting a fake IP, communicating both ways would be impossible since the return packets would always be directed to whatever network the fake IP really belongs to, i.e. if the client was using fake Australian IP, it would at best get to some random old dude's broadband modem and then the integrated router would simply drop the packet not knowing what to do with it.

It might be possible to DDoS a server by sending packets with fake IPs, but it's simply impossible for him to fake an IP and actually play AC or really, do anything on the internet.
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LoL, flame much guys?
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(16 Aug 10, 01:08PM)JMM Wrote:
(16 Aug 10, 12:17PM)P@ndel Wrote: No, I am not talking about proxy servers. I am talking about software that can hide your real IP and show some random IP from, i don't know, China, Russia, Zimbabwe etc.
No such thing. Even if one of the computers was reporting a fake IP, communicating both ways would be impossible since the return packets would always be directed to whatever network the fake IP really belongs to, i.e. if the client was using fake Australian IP, it would at best get to some random old dude's broadband modem and then the integrated router would simply drop the packet not knowing what to do with it.

It might be possible to DDoS a server by sending packets with fake IPs, but it's simply impossible for him to fake an IP and actually play AC or really, do anything on the internet.

Google for "IP Scrambler". You must have Linux to do that. And mess around with your router.
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(16 Aug 10, 01:27PM)P@ndel Wrote: Google for "IP Scrambler". You must have Linux to do that. And mess around with your router.
...it will not allow one to connect to an AC server or any server which expects two-way communication. Which is basically all servers out there regarldless of purpose.

And anyways, most "IP Scramblers" that Google came up with are either hoaxes or programs that simply go through proxies for you.
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(16 Aug 10, 12:59PM)P@ndel Wrote: Okay, luc@s, chill out x) Let it be the way you say it x)

you are wrong, that's all. It HAS been proven that you were wrong anyway.
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Closing the thread because it's turned into a private party - take it elsewhere guys.

To clear this up a bit:
The real montana plays in or (ISP: DartyBox)
The fake montana has been impersonating AcP members for a little while, but before that would just cheat on many servers. His real IP is always in the block (ISP: Wanadoo). He has used VyprVPN and Relakks proxy services. Their IPs, as far as I can find out, are:
\\ us1.vyprvpn.com
\\ eu1.vyprvpn.com
\\ Relakks
He/she is a prolific cheat and impersonator, so a server owner would be mad not to blacklist the proxy IPs, even if he can think of a legitimate use for proxies in an online game. Blacklisting would affect many other players, but I've only seen this guy in the following, smaller, blocks, if anyone wants to blacklist these:
Aug 12 03:08:26 []: [] -.AcP.exe logged in (default)
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