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for wat ?????
LIghtning says :
First of all, to whichever Moderator deleted my comment from LiFe's appeal, twice, I really do not think you deserve to be a moderator. Your job as a moderator is to remove what you find colliding with the rules of the Forum. I do not ee how any of my comments was a violation. I have a feeling you removed my comments just because you didn't like them. I think I have a right do express my opinion don't I? What I find very interesting is that my comment was removed and not that of GOKU007 who is blacklisted and should be banned on the Forums if I am not wrong.

@Lightining : you dont have any right to get me banned from the forums....and you dont know anything about me getting banned...so i suppose..you should shut it at the moment ! i dont know what your comment was..but maybe they found it some what irritating..or idk !

why should i be blacklisted...when i dont hack...and drakas himself..removed my ban from HI-SKILL servers[color]...[color]u may check the logs+demos[/color].[/color][color=#DAA520]that means i am clean...!! i never hacked...now i dont know that will my account be there till anyone replies or it will be deleted or any of the admins ban me from using the forums........

so i am again appealing that should i be whitelisted....as there is no reason to keep me blacklisted....and i have been on the BL for quite long now...!
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// Name: Goku007, iOD|GOKU007
// Ban date: 2009-12-18
// Banreason: editing official maps
// ..178.100,..176.217,..183.25,..185.146,..187.159, etc

yeh bro. blacklist.randumkiwi.co.nz
also you're a whiny child and i do not approve
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for one, Drakas did not remove your blacklist.... --'
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(21 Jun 10, 09:44AM)Undead Wrote: also you're a whiny child and i do not approve

How dare you ruin my favourite character from DragonBall. >:(
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If you have a problem with lighting, talk to him via pm. You were right though. He doesnt have the "right" to ban you, but he is allowed to make his point, one of which was very valid.
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I was not telling anybody to ban you. I was asking why you weren't banned. Hopefully, they will ban you again. You were banned for maphacking. Personally, idg if Drakas unbanned you from his servers, you still comitted an offense and are stil on the NZ blacklist which most servers follow. You have not been on the BL for long, only a few months. When it is time you will be whitelisted, but until then you are still blackisted.

Other than that, your post is terrible. No need to colour everything. The reason my comment was removed, has nothing to do with you or anything.

You're just a whiny, sore immature child. As Undead says, 'I do not approve.'
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It is up to the server owners whether or not to remove you from their blacklists. Personally I keep most of my entries from minimum 6 months to a year, based on the offense made.

As you already pointed out there are server owners that removed the blacklist entry, you are free to play there as much as you wish.
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Offensive language removed, please do not try to edit it one more time. Or further consequences may be considered.
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