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inb4shitstorm I BARELEY post nowadays so cut me some slack with this thread.


Any advice besides it needing mastering.
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Never mind the complaining nabs, you rock brah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Advice: DO MOAR!
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(16 Sep 12, 05:00PM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: YEAH!
Never mind the complaining nabs, you rock brah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Advice: DO MOAR!
Thanks dude!
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I'll be honest, I didn't really like it. There's this thing I've mentioned before that you seem to like doing in every song, where you keep using one note that doesn't fit with the scale at all.

And that one note kills it for me.

Oh, and this song in particular just sounds too high-pitched for my taste. :P
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I actually quite like it, not my normal kind of music but I appreciate its quality. Dont take this the wrong way but it would make a great ringtone for a mobile, if you ever wanted to make money from your music that may be a way, and yes music for ringtones is valid creative stuff before i create another shitstorm.
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The book was better than the movie,

that said, sounds like a section in Black Mesa where the soundtrack kicks in, kick ass.
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I dunno man, I think you seriously consider studying rhythm. having a snare hit when not shit else is going on and then having a drop just seems really strange to my ears. Also, having a little bit of variety may help. Then again, im not a huge fan of electronica so dont take what i say too seriously. I don't know the canon well
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i think i like it. its different than the normal electronic music i hear but you have a pretty nice melody going on. didn't like the drop so much, too subtle for me, but good job anywaysss
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I don't like the "blue balling" between 0:19 - 0:24. Of course, I don't like being blue balled, especially when it concerns the drop.

Oh, and obligatory "robozombieyoutubedubstepfan" comment: this is not B0:55!

But for the reals, it's not bad electro. I wouldn't really call it dubstep though. It's got a semi-drop and... it's a bit dubsteppy near the end, but not a lot.
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did i miss something or were the shitstorm posts removed?
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I hope waring points were handed too!
Equal moderation campaign 2012.

I have to admit that from all your tracks, this one is the one I enjoyed less (which doesnt mean I didnt enoy it, I love it!), and it reminds me too much of another one, which right now I cant recall... almost like an exact copy it felt! (Edit: the one with voices, "**** the tower!", I believe it says).
Apart from that, keep em coming, but do take your time to make em better!!!!!!!!! But make moar!!!!!! XD XD
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"Only post responses when you have something to contribute. The only exception to this rule is in the off-topic forum."
Why would warning points be handed if nothing was done against the rules?
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(20 Sep 12, 09:05PM)titiPT Wrote: "Only post responses when you have something to contribute. The only exception to this rule is in the off-topic forum."
Why would warning points be handed if nothing was done against the rules?

why would the posts be removed then?
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(21 Sep 12, 03:29PM)Marti Wrote:
(20 Sep 12, 09:05PM)titiPT Wrote: "Only post responses when you have something to contribute. The only exception to this rule is in the off-topic forum."
Why would warning points be handed if nothing was done against the rules?

why would the posts be removed then?
* titiPT is not a mod, he can't answer that
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Only people who constantly post offtopic get warned for it. Otherwise a lot of the time the post is just deleted.

Sufficient enough answer? I don't know the question exactly, nor do I know what posts they were.
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(22 Sep 12, 02:08AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Only people who constantly post offtopic get warned for it. Otherwise a lot of the time the post is just deleted.

Sufficient enough answer? I don't know the question exactly, nor do I know what posts they were.

that answer seems OK to me. ty
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stop calling this dubstep.

its meh, an improvement
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