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Player Model WIP
thx i know some of those weird things
anyways i wanted to finish it even if its weird sometimes

I could show u a avi that runs all the animations
but it wouldnt change the fact that they arent working like they should ingame.
MD2 even if its old, am still learning some things about it
and it will be better next time but for the moment am done with this model

not sure yet what i will do with my next one
[Image: pballwip.png?w=560]
Paintball Playermodel

maybe another ac playermodel who knows ;)

but one for sure, will get better^^
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GL on your next project mate. You have lots of potential ;)
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i just hope one day you'll decide to fix all those little things on the model anim. you did a great job, fight to fix it :)
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Can someone tell me why I play with the 7 dwarfs now?

[Image: captur38.jpg]


I test it on 1.0.4, that's why... /D
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(22 Aug 10, 11:36AM)*GrZ|Sp!d3R Wrote: Can someone tell me why I play with the 7 dwarfs now?



I test it on 1.0.4, that's why... /D

Can you get me that model? I want to "test" it on 1.0.4 also!
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hum on 1.1 i have the same bug than 1.04...
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Don't fix it. The bugs are absolutely hilarious like when they "stand" on their ass when they die xD. Good work!
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This bug is pretty fun to play with :)
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Bug doesn't seem to be the proper term here. It's simply not correctly scaled and positioned. I wonder how he didn't test it himself beforehand.... (?)

However, I don't like how this model looks anyways to be honest. Looks like LEGO-AssaultCube, what could cause some license trouble by the way. *cough* ;)
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Mr.Floppy, the bug only appears in 1.0.4 He is making it for 1.1 :P
Read earlier in the thread.
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i think the skin has to be more dirty to fit in with ac...other wise great job!
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Ronald_Reagan was right it was made for 1.1 series
anyways Mr.Floppy u don't need to like it
as at beginning noone wanted to suggest anything special
expect the headsize (makkE^^)

?!will there be a update of this model,
hell yeah but after the paintball one.

It´s not that easy to make a playermodel for ac, since there r xxx limitations.
Who likes "Lego"?! :P
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Well, I do too think that the proportions are a bit weird, but I have to admit, J0limar, that your models have a "comic book" felling that I found pretty cool and fun. Its like playing Assault Cube Manga edition :D
If you ever manage to fix the animations I'm sure lots of guys will love to play with them, pretty good work :D
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Well, I kept telling you the proportions are off. Torso too bulky, head too large, legs too short.

I see exactly the same in your next model.

[Image: M4kMN5RbDg4vxmPzLWbofz.jpg]

^^This one is still of relevance ;)

Otherwise I like the approach. It would need some revision and it could become an official model...
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Maybe don't put a penis on the playermodel though.
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