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My band's newly released record
We recorded this in 4 days in november of last year and just recently finished mixing/mastering/releasing. providing free downloads to the community. If you like it, great. If you don't (and many of you won't), please share your thoughts or simply dont listen to the music. I'm too lazy to properly upload it, so here are links for the download of each song. If i was to recommend one tune that represents us at our best, I suggest #2 "Tachycardia." Enjoy

1-Radio Drone- http://www.mediafire.com/?725kv56kv9jk3ya

2-Tachycardia- http://www.mediafire.com/?647bmaz7o2q6oua

3-Home Remedies (Title track)- http://www.mediafire.com/?72h6ath88ox1aq8

4-Open Wire- http://www.mediafire.com/?8mragxzdi8acsdw

5- Blood Whistle- http://www.mediafire.com/?bh06kmbae4egb26

6- Real Feeling (done in one take)- http://www.mediafire.com/?s44bo6jov0ug75m

7- Deconstruction Song- http://www.mediafire.com/?5jjtvc918bnx75c

8- Falsetto Breezeway- http://www.mediafire.com/?jpdke54zg7f13z2


edit: fixed double link for deconstruction song
edit2: soundcloud http://soundcloud.com/wafflito/sets/home-remedies
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[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLgAz0EySOLBsWkmlw64G...x_7r0orucg]
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Before i download, whats your genre? Also, you should consider YouTube uploads for promotion. Just an idea.
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Mediafire really? I approve MG post... XD
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SoundCloud is the way to go.
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Youtube gogo
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(19 Jul 12, 03:04PM)Mystered Wrote: [Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSLgAz0EySOLBsWkmlw64G...x_7r0orucg]
Nah, it's pretty good :). Nice work.
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yeah, note that i said "too lazy to upload properly?" Mediafire is what that means. I don't give a damn about youtube. Eventually we'll get itunes and amazon downloads sorted, until that time, these free DLs is all you get. Enjoy
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soondclood waffs.

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here's the soundcloud
edit: the soundcloud is in the exact opposite order of how the album is naturally, sorry for this.
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Tachycardia is very pleasant.
It's nice to hear a mandolin taking an important role, something I don't get enough of in the music I typically listen to.

(19 Jul 12, 09:32PM)MykeGregory Wrote: whats your genre?
Is there a certain genre you label yourselves as?
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This is actually very nice. :D

Very good mastering too.
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Sounds really good. I especially like that last track, Falsetto Breezeway. Really Neil Young right there. Your singer has a very unique singing voice, this really stands out from this kind of music I usually hear.

E: What do you play, Waffles?
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Its not my type of music but I still give it a F1 and a V63
That is some great work from all involved, very well done.
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Inb4 he can answer: iirc, drums, pweaks.

thank you for all the free download, waffles <3
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misty is correct, i am the drummer and also sing backups and helped write a good bit of the music. Also i play percussion on all the tracks but that falls under the category afore-mentioned.

and thank you for listening misty, i will always try and make my music as cheap/free as i can afford to
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Tell me the vocal is a placeholder? You need a real singer m8.
The guitar sounds out of place.
ur shits all retarded.
Was saying it was slapped together in 4 days your way of covering for all the shortfalls?

Ok, now for the good news. Take some time and redo the vocals with someone else and change that 1969 effect on the guitar. Dont rush a good thing or you get what you have now.

Sorry to be the only one not trying to suck your earlobe/
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There is nothing wrong with the vocals imo, more a matter of taste I guess. A lots of times reminded me of the good old John Fogerty and there is NOTHING wrong with that, some other times reminded me a lot of Australian Crawl, and again, no objections from me. I do agree with Bullpup that the guitar sometimes sounds out of place, but overall I like it, especially Radio Drone. Interesting mix of that 80's surf music vibe and country rock.
Tell me, you guys dig CCR and 80's rock a lot, right?
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People are entitled to their opinions. There are certainly mnay shortfalls. What makes it difficult is having people from many different musical backgrounds writing and then playing the music. Myself and one guitarist have heavy jazz backgrounds, the bassist is more into electronica, the mando is bluegrass, lead singer/guitarists main influences are neil young and jeff tweedy. I agree the vocals can be a bit whack at times and not just for the timbre but his actual ability to sing. As we move forward and get more money/ write more tunes we will attempt to put forward a better studio project. This ep was mainly recorded as a demo of sorts to send to people to branch out into more cities. Cheers for the feedback and the earlobe sucking
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(30 Jul 12, 09:22PM)Waffles Wrote: I agree the vocals can be a bit whack at times and not just for the timbre but his actual ability to sing.

You know for a natural unaltered voice he is really good. I mean look at rappers, they all (a lot) sound like absolute shit (Kanye lmao) without auto tune so huge props to your vocalist. The music is also very appealing since I started the songs on soundcloud and forgot that I had played them when I realized pandora was on pause and I still heard music xD. So yes great work I must say.
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Tachycardia makes me want to do whatever Tachycardia is.

(its great)
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Tachycardia is a heart condition where the beat is out of rhythm. You definitely dont want that but glad you like the song.
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(30 Jul 12, 11:36PM)Waffles Wrote: Tachycardia is a heart condition where the beat is out of rhythm.

well shit.

Great work, and I will listen to the album and send it to people that might like this stuff.

Make more.

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