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[Menu] Nickmenu
A menu that allows you to select different names to use in game. Handy for people who use aliases.

[Image: aliases_1422_1342383938.jpg]

(NOTE: Screenshot is of a early version of the script. All the "aliases" were changed to nicknames. I know, the image is poorly cropped, I tried my best to take a screenshot and make it into this. EDIT: It's all SKB's fault because of round menu corners.)

Akimbo Thread
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A similar concept...
n = [name (at $randomname (rnd 31))]
randomname = [ "Omegatron" "B}ShadowZ" "|LOL|Pwns" "|40+|KaBOOMZ" "Haxorus" "hax_et_lag" "Dragonite" "The_Mystic_{B}" "Pikachuuuu" "Metagross" "MasterChef" "OptimusCrime" "lolzatron" "SuperMashPros" "teh_pwnzor" "|ELITE|Panchito" "BlazingRage" "V-kachu" "boba_fett" "Fragtastic" "LightZ" "a_ninja" "ShadowStrike" "FunFlory" "SpamSlam_3000" "Alacrity" "Scipio" "Aquilon" "Zephyrus" "eXcaliBurN" "Brahmagupta"]
Then what I did when I opened AC was /bind n n
I guess there's a simpler way to do that (without the redundant n's), but I'm sure a more experienced coder can figure that out.
The "31" corresponds to the # of names listed.
I made this script following the model of another person's "random" script.
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(15 Jul 12, 10:50PM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: random code

EDIT: wtf LightZ is my alias. Take that out.
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Lol we discussed this before.
You had that after me ;).
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(16 Jul 12, 04:49AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Lol we discussed this before.
You had that after me ;).
no I orginally used that to piss you off (i didnt you used that as an alias), but I decided not to do that
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Whatevs fanboy.
Let's not make this thread go offtopic.
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You probably could've just used bot names or something instead to avoid any chance of these sort of conflicts.
Anyway, that's not the point.
Stop arguing, forum-goers, and make more cool scripts :D
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Quote:The "31" corresponds to the # of names listed.

[cubescript]n = [ name (at $randomname (rnd (listlen $randomname))) ][/cubescript]
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Hhaha update it so it has PaulMuadDib , there shall be moar!
Good job brah!
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(22 Jul 12, 04:44PM)Bukz Wrote: [cubescript]n = [ name (at $randomname (rnd (listlen $randomname))) ][/cubescript]
(15 Jul 12, 10:50PM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote:
n = [name (at $randomname (rnd 31))]
What exactly is the difference? Just curious :)
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You don't need to change the number when you add more names.

Although is listlen just SVN for right now?
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#12 command.cpp Wrote:
int listlen(char *s)
    int n = 0;
    for(; *s; n++) elementskip, whitespaceskip;
    return n;


COMMAND(listlen, ARG_1EST);
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Huh, I kinda assume that all of the super useful features of AC CS are in SVN not 1104 :>
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