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Mappers wanted!
I am fiddling around with cubscript (thanks Bukz! :D ) so much that I have no more time to make maps for Prison Break...

I am looking for newbies that think they are able to make a puzzle (maybe a bit of a gema) prison break map.

If you are interested download and install the Prison Break Script HERE and see the original Prison Break.

I will chose one I like and include it in the mod and you will be a mapper!

Then link a reply to it.

There is no pay...
The only thing you get is a pat on the back and your name in the mod.

This is just for fun!
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Could you not just tell me what you want? I'd be happy to help if you showed me layout and what not. I don't know what you want from this sort of map, so...
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(05 Jul 12, 11:58PM)TackyMan Wrote: To be a mapper, make a map called Prison_Break:_Russia. I will chose one I like and include it in the mod and you will be a mapper!
You don't have to be chosen in a mod to be a mapper :>
All jokes aside, I agree with snoosnoo.
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Ya! I have seen what has been done...

No more exacts, enter a prison break map.

Player spawns in some confinement (cell or whatever) and escapes to an area where he/she "Wins"

doesnt have to be russia anymore.

Quote:You don't have to be chosen in a mod to be a mapper :>

Don't quite understand... The map will go into the script so the player has more choices of maps... if that clears anything up.
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Cool! I can try help with the story behind the map, for the kicks of it!

A group of CLA special ops were captured during a mission by an RVSF squad, the horrid AC elite.
Dark under the walls they suffer, hoping to claim vengeance over the atrocities inflicted.
For some time now they have been planning their escape; each of them fully aware that they will either see the sun again, or they will die. They have broken out of the cells, and have found weapons and ammunition...
Their captors know of the situation and are going to use all their malice to try to prevent any possible escape. They have posted all their guards near the exit, and their commander has shouted the final commands:
- Today we finish this, if any of them gets through, I will have all of your heads decorating my walls...

3 escape ways from the cells (CLA base).
-One to torture room? (With red water XD).
-One through boxes to "above level".
-One to RVSFs?

I dont know shit about mapping, :P

For CTF:
The fight for supremacy has begun, everything is at stake! One will reign, the other will be forgotten soon.
CLA or RVSF, who will win?

For Gemas:
Put the flags close to each other behind rvsf base, and have both teams spawn at clas (the cells). The team who gets the flag first, wins, XD

Hope this helps with the creativity!
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