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Registration for the Ac-Clan-League
The registration for the ACCL begins:
Now all clans, which want to play the ACCL, can write theire apply.
How to register?
Only the clanleader can register his clan. He must send a message to the support in our forum, which includes, that he want to join the ACCL and a list from all players, who may play for his clan. If there are new players in the season or after the registration he can add them to the list.
A date is not appointed, but we know that we will start about a few weeks after the ACWC turnament.
Here the link http://ac-league.xobor.de/
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Sweet! Cant it be a winter league? XD
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The effort is appreciated guys, MA would surely parcipate, but please do somethingg about the color of the website.

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where should we apply in ur site web ..
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(27 May 12, 08:51PM)ReDBuLL Wrote: where should we apply in ur site web ..

only the clanleaders can do that. They have to send a message to the support, which includes all players who may play for his clan. Than the clan is registert.
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LC will register :p
[and i am clan leader RED muhahahaha, you are just my slave!]
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can you get someone who speaks english fluently and is knowledgeable in making a website readable to help you?
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I noticed there were a few errors in the English rules. I'd be happy to provide an improved rewording of the rules that doesn't change the meaning.
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(27 May 12, 10:15PM)Undead Wrote: can you get someone who speaks english fluently and is knowledgeable in making a website readable to help you?

Yea thats right :D My englisch is not the best :) but the thing with the Website is strange. I and EL can read it normaly hm.

(28 May 12, 02:31AM)Roflcopter Wrote: I noticed there were a few errors in the English rules. I'd be happy to provide an improved rewording of the rules that doesn't change the meaning.

Thank you very much for your offer to help us, when you want to start :)
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Now the first clan is registered for the CL. It is #LC*. We are wait for more registrations :)
Thanks Rofle who made our rules readable. Also the design from the website should be better now
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The second clan is registered! It is =MyS=!!! We are still waiting for more registrations :)
There is the current CL-Table:
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You have Google at your disposal with the ability to tell you the spelling, definition and correct usage of most, if not all, English words out there.

So how do you end up spelling "Total Score" as "Totle Score:"? :/
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Because it's a little hard to look up every single word before writing it. Rather than writing what you wrote, why don't you just tell him nicely? After all, it's not like you paid him for correct spelling or whatever.
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(30 May 12, 09:16PM)tempest Wrote: Because it's a little hard to look up every single word before writing it. Rather than writing what you wrote, why don't you just tell him nicely? After all, it's not like you paid him for correct spelling or whatever.


@gignu, it's spelt "Total Score:" and replace "Claninfos:" with "Clan Tag:".

You can also have win/loss/draw columns and a +/- frag difference column, just in case you end up with teams ending the league with even scores.
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Thank you for correcting. I didnt noticed it, but i know how to write total score lol
Also I will not replace Claninfos lol If you would have make a click to Claninfos, you would see, why we named it Claninfos :)
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(31 May 12, 10:58AM)gignu Wrote: Thank you for correcting. I didnt noticed it, but i know how to write total score lol
Also I will not replace Claninfos lol If you would have make a click to Claninfos, you would see, why we named it Claninfos :)

You'll wanna go for "Clan Info" and maybe mention somewhere that you can, in fact, click those clan tags for more info.

I'm starting to look pedantic here lol, but just trying to help. :)
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hm, I think "click those clan tags for more infos" is to long, also i thought, everbody know what means Claninfos, I think the most will understand it :D
Ye it is good that you want to improve our website and trying to help :) We need more people, who show us such mistakes.
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The website is to complicated, so many forum categories... that just messes everthing,can't you make a simple and understandable website ?
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(05 Jun 12, 12:29PM)BunnySoul Wrote: The website is to complicated, so many forum categories... that just messes everthing,can't you make a simple and understandable website ?

Hehe, nice joke man :D
Are you seriously!?
A forum/website can't be better understandable then this...or am i wrong? xD
Everything you need is standing on there...there is nothing what you don't need, so, how can this be complicated?
Or do you mean some other things?

But never mind...just ask if you need something to know ^^
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To find something for example, i need to click on the category then click on another forum and then again, its very squashed... and on every new rule you make you create a new thread, Instead of having a simple website in where you actually can write news etc..
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we dont create a new thread because a new rule. We write in ingame or generell rules and write in "news" that their is a new rule lol
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