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[WIP] Minecraft Mod
Well I've discussed this in PMs with some people hinted it in a screenshot and talk to people on the IRC about it
This is what has been done so far:
  • Tree model by Dementium4Ever
  • Menu texture
  • A good bit of the script
  • An okay starting terrain map

The script:
There are alternate ways to do time and gamma changes by B}ukz but I couldn't understand them enough to edit them:
There is a good bit that can be done and if anyone wants to help out I would appreciate it.
To do:
  • Pickups
  • A system where by you earn cubes to build with from kills or otherwise
  • Improvements on the simple terrain map I made
  • Playermodels - Player and Creepers
  • Weapons like crossbow, axe, pickaxe
  • Anything that else you can think of

All files so far can be downloaded here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6052365/MinecraftMod.zip
You must put it in mods folder and move the bat file to the root. Use the bat file to open it. Its not finished and dosent work well yet.
Screenshots of Map and Tree:
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Hrm, it looks like you've done a bit of editing to my bit of code xD.

I have the original working code at home and can help out a bit with whatever you may wanna implement as far as cubescript will allow.

The day/night script I wrote was a way to emulate day/night lighting by slowly changing gamma over-time.

It would start at normal gamma, and slowly increase the gamma by 2 every 10 seconds for 4 minutes - where it would reach a "peak daylight time", no more gamma changes are made for 1 minute during peak time, when it expires, the script switches into the night cycle and slowly decreases gamma by 2 every 10 seconds for 4 minutes, where it reaches the night peak, then the script switches back into the day cycle, etc. etc.

Get a hold of me on IRC ASAP D1551D3N7 :)
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(07 Apr 12, 09:20PM)Bukz Wrote: Get a hold of me on IRC ASAP D1551D3N7 :)

Im on it now :D
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Not sure what good this "greenish blockish sword" will do you, but I think you can find some use for it ;)
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Oh shit, I forgot to send you the other models O_o
Man, I'm so sorry, you'll get them in a bit
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Lol its okay Dementium take your time :)
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[Image: 20111215.jpg]
[Image: 20111217.jpg]
[Image: 20110511.jpg]
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Hmm Ill include the map but I preferred that the player started in a place that had no uildings bjt I will incluxe your map :)
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I'm not asking about implementing minecraft themed map in your mode, it's just a suggest, i think it just should make this mode more "completed".
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