Conway's Game of Life
In my class we had to make a simple version of Conway's Game of Life in Python using simple ASCII characters to represent the cells. I was inspired and created a very nice looking (at least IMO) applet version.
Right now it just randomly generates a starting board whenever you load the page (so you can refresh to restart) but I might add more control later.
The colors are on a sort of gradient depending on how many neighbors the cell has.
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When I saw Conway I immediately thought Mighty Ducks
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I added some more controls: you can now pause/unpause, move one step at a time (while paused), and control cell size.

Yeah, I'm bumping my thread. Sue me. :P
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I'd be interested to see how your implementation differs from mine.
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I apologize for the lack of comments.
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'salright, the comments which are there are truly masterful ;)

Pleasant code, makes me realise how unnecessarily complicated I made my version.
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Gravedig, but what was your coloring scheme? Upon rereading about the game of life, I realized that there is nothing that would serve as a good color making thing. Is it the number of neighbors?
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public Color getCellColor(int nAmt){    //controls cell color based on neighbor amount
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Ahh, forgot I could look at the code. Thanks
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