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hello i am kwijibo, i'm 17 and live in northeastern USA
started playing AC in ~2006 under the name "[hed]shot" back in the v.9 days. 2 or 3 years after that I took a few year break and came back with a new name.
im glad to be back and happy to see all these new faces. when I returned to AC I was delightfully surprised to find out that people still play this haha its a pretty good online game, simple but sturdy.
Hope to see all of you ingame!
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Great! Welcome home brah! Hope to frag along /against ya!

Soooo, not everyone is leaving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Northeast U.S woot!
Slumber Party at my place. \:D
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:D glad to have you back! AC needs moar players! and yes there are so many new ppl to the game. you indeed will find that the ones you used to see barely play at all anymore. also: there are map restrictions so no more EzJemVill or anything like that :(

but nonetheless i wish you luck in your endevours :)

offtopic: what part of NE are you from? I was in massachusetts for all my life until last year
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born and raised northern pennsylvania ....still here:)
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you'll be fast friends with GDM then. He also lives in that state. Welcome back, USA needs more active (semi-decent) players
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Welcome. Hope to see you fragging sometime.
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(06 Mar 12, 02:59AM)kwijibo Wrote: born and raised northern pennsylvania ....still here:)

cool man. i could prolly name 10 guys from that state alone lol
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Welcome back. I don't remember you, but yeah anyway.

/more offtopic
(06 Mar 12, 01:16AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: Soooo, not everyone is leaving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate you all and want to leave but I start twitching if I stop for more than a few days :(
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Welcome to the magnetic AC.
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(First impression is key, and I think I might have just nailed it! :D)
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Welcome and have fun!
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thanks guys haha...I forgot about my other name it was 'water' or 'wAteR' i used to be in the clan C=64
idk if its still active.. but i remember nighthawk & 4bit ..or 8bit idr haha
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