Crash on opening!
When I open AssaultCube, (1.0 or 1.1) it opens the loading screen, then windows says me: ac_client.exe has crashed.
I've tried to erase data in My documents cartel and set compatibility mode, but nothing happens.(Using Win7)
My resolution is 1366x768.
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What graphics card?
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Intel 965 mobile chipset
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It does not only say ac_client.exe is crashed. It should give an error code or something. What else is there?
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no. The program crashes, if i click or type letters, a window appears:

ac_client.exe has crashed.
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more system information is needed. 32bit/64bit?
the graphics "card" sounds a little weak - have you run AC successfully on this machine before? Have you tried removing your saved.cfg and(!) init.cfg to some remote place (as backup) - then AC should come up with a settings-menu for you to tweak.
If that already fails, you can try creating a link to the BAT and passing the following arguments to it:
-t -w640 -h480 -a0 -f0 -b16 -z24
If that's unclear to you: copy the BAT to e.g. "compat.bat" and edit it (with notepad) to:
bin_win32\ac_client.exe -t -w640 -h480 -a0 -f0 -b16 -z24

Please check your installation directory (or "game-home" if you chose that (recommended) option during installation) for stderr.txt and stdout.txt - the RENDERER lines and any errors should be of particular interest.
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Ugh you have a integrated intel chipset (not a card :P). I have one too, they suck for basically anything 3D.
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Was gone this weekend, just noticed this thread...
I run AC on the Intel 965 mobile chipset without any issues, and can get a steady 60 FPS. That being said, the card is sometimes glitchy, although I haven't (as of yet) had any issues with AC.
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My v1.1 is crashing upon opening to but my error message is:

could not find core textures (hint:run AssaultCube from the parent of the bin directory)(Couldn't open packages\misc\notexture.jpg)
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Hm, I tried compiling the 1.1 svn (so I could try out the combat pistol), and that was my error message in x-code.

I run Mac OS leopard. I was compiling the svn source. Nighthawkd runs Windows 7 and he was trying to run the update of 1.1. But with the exactly same error report. Wait... I'll get back to you, but my error wasn't in the compiler, it was in the debugger, so it got fully compiled and was try to run.
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That happens if you run the executable directly from the bin folder. Use the launcher or the .bat or the .sh! Because there's no such directory as bin/packages/misc/notexture.jpg!
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