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If you are prone to tl;dr, read these next two paragraphs, and download the package here.
ac_inverted is a script created by me, that turns the world upside down. Essentially, you can imagine as if gravity got reversed, and you walked on the ceiling.

Some of you may of seen some foreshadowing to this mod. Namely here and here.

This script was inspired by Cleaner's upside down map (now lost). I'll post the screeny once Cleaner provides me with it. He obviously put way more effort into it, and was probably a more mind bending to make. And undoubtedly was higher quality then these maps.

After running several maps through this script (while making refinements), I thought it would be wild to have mapmodels and other visual entities like that on the ceiling, but upside down. I couldn't invert mapmodels as well - as there were too many of them - so I decided to rest on just inverting pickup models. So I asked Cleaner to do this for me, and he did :)

And I decided to include maps as well. The maps I have included are ac_breach, ac_forgotten, ac_library, and ac_unfrozen. If these maps use custom content (like ac_breach and ac_library), you will have to download the map and install the content. I dont mind requests to see inverted maps, but I wont release any inverted official maps. Also, dont make a map just to see it inverted. If you want to make a map to be inverted, you will have to invert it yourself. Just like Cleaner.

In the package, there is something called "invmap", which includes the upside down pickups. There is also a "packages" folder which holds the version of the maps where the pickups are on the floor. I call these the more "playable" maps.

I want to shut up now, so here is a link: http://pbclan.tk/files/ac_inverted.zip

(akimbo link coming later)
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Can you use this script and play with others on multiplayer?
Or just single player?
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This script is used to create a map. So yes, you can play online with these maps.
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I dont get what tl;dr is :S otherwise awesome!!!
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(25 Jan 12, 06:15AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Cleaner's upside down map (now lost)

Indeed I've lost it, I hope someone still got that one in his/her archives.

(25 Jan 12, 06:15AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: so I decided to rest on just inverting pickup models. So I asked Cleaner to do this for me, and he did :)

Erm, sorry mate I had still to finish the package (the flags aren't done yet) but it totally skipped my mind (bloody memory troubles) but I'll fix that for you asap

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<3 so cool and crazy
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(25 Jan 12, 08:04AM)Anvil Wrote: I dont get what tl;dr is :S


RR, amazing as usual. <3
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This is going to be sooooo much fun! Awesome job brah!
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(25 Jan 12, 03:56PM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: This is going to be sooooo much fun! Awesome job brah!
Play inverted maps before commenting on it, I remember pretty well players getting sick from playing on tc_upside_down and throwing up on they keyboard after a while XD

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(25 Jan 12, 12:20PM)DES|Cleaner Wrote: Erm, sorry mate I had still to finish the package (the flags aren't done yet) but it totally skipped my mind (bloody memory troubles) but I'll fix that for you asap

I wasn't aware that you were going to do the flags. If you did, that would be great!
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@Cleaner: Well I did play Douzeaholic and loved the feeling of walking in the sky! Those hard to reach pick ups also made it interesting! XD
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@ Ronald_Reagan, btw I didn't had time to look at the final project yet, are the skymaps inverted as well?
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