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I was kinda bored so Id figure i make a map today.......
Tell me what ya think.
[Image: 20120114202304shipmentt.png]

Download : Shipment.zip
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Nice small map. Good for Dm/osok with 3-4 players..
Just one thing, add some clips on those wooden borders
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1001 F1's for making a cod4 map. ily shipment
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@sniperz will do

Edit:Okay updated the link the wooden fences has clips now.

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I like how you can go into the containers. Should be fun in dm/lss/osok.
See, nobody leaves ac ;D
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#1 I was bored
#2 Offline mapping
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Wait wat.
Think3r left?!

Nice map tho.
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Quote:1001 F1's for making a cod4 map. ily shipment

I remember that CoD4 map. Pretty much the only one we liked playing offline :P
I didn't know it was called Shipment.

I'll have to download this map for my other machine.
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(15 Jan 12, 01:28AM)Felix-The-Ghost Wrote:
Quote:1001 F1's for making a cod4 map. ily shipment

I remember that CoD4 map. Pretty much the only one we liked playing offline :P
I didn't know it was called Shipment.

I'll have to download this map for my other machine.

Online you mean.
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sniperz Wrote:Online you mean.
I meant what I said. There was offline split-screen in CoD4.
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I been wanting to do most of the cod 4 maps on ac but they might take some time. I was planning on doing Vacant but i gotta play the game again to remember how it looks like same goes for chinatown .
I was also planning to do summit and firing range from blackops.
Im also planning to do maps from the DS versions of cod ,why?Because they are excellent for dm/osok or like lss/pf.They're also not that big.
Yes shadow i told some people i was leaving b/c of annoying n00bs but i guess i csn still play (just not on pubs anymore.)

EDIT: Almost forgot showdown from Cod 4
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