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I'm Looking for a new clan!
Hey guys, since i just quit |SK|.......i was thinking of joining a clan thats active, official, and good at mapping and playing......anyone know a clan like that?
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well the only mapping clan i know is RM but they are closed at recruiting so idk
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well it doesnt have to be mapping clan just a good one
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1$U is not offical yet but we're going to try to be soon.

We have a mapping and playing section for our clan.
Our mapping leader is greate and he definately knows what he's doing.
And we like to say we only accept really good members.
http://1su-clan.tk/ check us out

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(15 Nov 10, 05:10AM)ImaCripple Wrote: We have a mapping and playing section for our clam.
My clam doesn't have any sections! Thats like a super clam.
My clam can only shoot water out of its... er... and can only burrow down deep in sand!
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haha you got me back

but you own a clam?
whats it's name?

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Yep, I got you back :D
Knip is his name. He only has 1 member.
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Yeah, I have to look over what I tyep.
*Notice I spelled type wrong**
Cool name. Awe why only 1?

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It would be weird for a clam (or anyone) to have more than one member.
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threads like this should be deleted instantly.
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If you think you have what it takes, try to apply to iOD.
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iOD..........me and iOD|KAZ started playing ac together..........ill try to apply whats their website?
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btw if ur not super active he'll quit... not trying to sabotage anything just giving a little note
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dude.........yall werent active at all..........
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don't use dots for every post.
heard of a this little thing , ?
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Only apply if you think you have a chance ;-)
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