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Question concerning cheating
Wow, it's been a fun-filled week! I'm really loving this game! :)

However, a most unfortunate case has arisen...

This is directed at those who have been around these parts for much longer than I have.

What do you, fellow legitimate AC players, do when you are accused of cheating? I made a number of lucky shots in a TOSOK pub match, and was immediately accused of aimbotting, and came close to being kicked. :'(

The player apologized for accusing me after I vehemently defended myself and even explained how I don't even know how to cheat (seriously have no clue), but it still freaked me out nonetheless.

The last thing I want to do is end up on some sort of a blacklist/banlist/what have you, when all I'm doing is trying to get better and have fun. Does this happen normally? Was I trolled? The next time I'm accused (if ever), how would you recommend handling the situation? I did the best I could to reassure everyone involved that I was in no way, shape, or form using any sort of program to gain an unfair advantage over anyone (the whole thought is utterly disgraceful).

Sorry if this post sounds paranoid, and have a wonderful evening.
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Not a huge deal. Usually people who seriously think you cheat dont know what to do about it. Even if you end up on the blacklist thread, people will probably review the demo and say you dont cheat. Dont worry about it. If you cheat, then you will get caught. If you dont cheat, dont worry about it.

If you do get accused, just take it as a comment and keep playing. You get pissed? Kill them even more, they are just sore losers.
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people who cheat say others are cheating cause that makes them feel big in the game..:D

hahahah now laugh.
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It also helps to play on servers when the admin is there (some of them anyhow) cause they have seen enough to know the difference and keep you safe if your honestly not cheating.

And. welcome to Assault Cube!
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(20 Nov 11, 08:27AM)[SODA]___ME___ Wrote: It also helps to play on servers when the admin is there (some of them anyhow) cause they have seen enough to know the difference and keep you safe if your honestly not cheating.
+1 And if they keep saying it just tell them to spectate you, they'll see that you are not cheating first hand.
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There's no point denying it, because this is exactly what a cheat would do. Simply respond with "Get demo, blacklist me". Continue playing in silence. 9 times out of 10 this will shut them up. If it doesn't, there's still no point in defending yourself. Someone who's too ignorant to recognise good play is too ignorant to be swayed by your arguments.
If you do get kicked, find another server. If you get banned in-game, it's only 20 minutes (by default).
Also, if you're so much better than everyone else in the server, you're better off moving to another server anyway; if you want to improve more, play against better players.
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If I had a penny for every time I've been called "Cheater"...
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lol, I just got flashback of playing some TwinTowers or a CeW server with Huntsman.
Funniest moments of my AC career.

Also, if you get blacklisted on a server, then that server is not worth being on.
And the most heavily used blacklist does not bl anyone without solid evidence.
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I remember I was invited to join KH after playing a few games with morgan in which I was accused of cheating by 4 people. I also ended up getting banned from a few small servers because I tend to play under other names a lot that people don't recognize, but that might have sometimes been because of just not being nice.
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(20 Nov 11, 10:28AM)DES|Cleaner Wrote: If I had a penny for every time I've been called "Cheater"...
If I had a ten cent peice(No pennys or even five cents down here anymore...) for every time some noob does not know what a coop edit is and calls me a hacker for flying around...
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Just don't worry about it. Players who are jelly of your skill will occasionally call you a cheater, it's part of the game.
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(20 Nov 11, 10:28AM)DES|Cleaner Wrote: If I had a penny for every time I've been called "Cheater"...

I'd have $0

(20 Nov 11, 12:14PM)titiPT Wrote: Just don't worry about it. Players who are jelly of your skill will occasionally call you a cheater, it's part of the game.

<3 ikr
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Take it as a compliment, then move to a more "competitive" server.
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best option, get really angry, try and get them banned, curse them out, and start a personal vendetta of hatred against them.

or suck it up and keep playing and pay them no mind.
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(23 Nov 11, 08:10AM)Waffles Wrote: best option, get really angry, try and get them banned, curse them out, and start a personal vendetta of hatred against them.

or suck it up and keep playing and pay them no mind.

I like that first option
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(23 Nov 11, 08:10AM)Waffles Wrote: best option, get really angry, try and get them banned, curse them out, and start a personal vendetta of hatred against them.

or suck it up and keep playing and pay them no mind.

Hmmm... the first option could be the plot of a movie. ;)

Thank you all for the replies, I appreciate it. :)
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(20 Nov 11, 04:38PM)Mr.OpTic Wrote: Take it as a compliment, then move to a more "competitive" server.

I second that. I dream of the day that I am good enough to be vote kicked for "haxing." :P
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I change my name to that of whoever is accusing me. Not only does their gamer rage increase to humorous levels, but people soon forget who's who and vote kicking them for impersonation is easily done and is a metaphorical tea bagging. You aren't exactly meant to do it but it's worth it for the lulz.
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Lulz are cool until they land you on the blacklist for an easily avoidable offense. :>
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