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Moral AC rules
Yesterday i was talking with Milandrag after an episode happened in the FD server.
I asked him in TS where he was, he told me the connect and i arrived in FD match server, where a guy of a new clan was playing alone agaist Milandrag and Chill after his mate rquitted. I asked him "do you need a player to finish the clan match?" and he said "Yes". But Milandrag told me that i was doing it wrong, i shouldn't wear the tag of another clan even if they allow me to do it.

But you know, if it is true, this implies that 2 players of different clans can't just wear a tag and play a clan match together
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Man people are gonna eat you alive!
*Flees the scene without looking back
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I am an =MyS= member, and Larry is .aG* (or was), but we still play together all the time under the pseudonym 'epic.'

Ignore him, it's your right to do whatever you wish (hypothetically speaking).
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(10 Nov 11, 08:48PM)Jason Wrote: Ignore him, it's your right to do whatever you wish (hypothetically speaking).
Yes, but can this be counted as a true clan match?
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That should only be an inter.
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The only issue is whether you're using the tag of a clan that doesn't want you to use it. If they don't care, then nobody else should.
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imo, its not a bad thing to turn a CM into an inter like that. No harm :|
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You should wear the tag of another clan its the best of sporting spirit..

Its simple as case of two friendly armies when they would fight with another team(single) they will have one flag.. otherwise how will others know that you belong to this army or that...

and second thing i guess is that it will make you more loyal to the clan because you are using its tag.. and you will tik less.
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I don't really think it should be a problem as long as it's not a problem with either clan on the one team. I remember last year I was in a match where Undead filled in as KH and went full retard mode managing to make us lose to U.
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I find myself being the odd man out then, if I'm interpreting this correctly.

To have a non-clan person sub in as a clannie shouldn't be counted as a CM.

More of an inter
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epic. is like a part time clan, Larry, Jason, Vault, Xenon, Mystered, Sister, I can name a list of them. lol
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hahaha, can not

You would be dishonoring his clan
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I have had experience with many people wearing my tag. If the clan leader is fine with it, it should be fine.
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(10 Nov 11, 11:21PM)Habluka Wrote: I remember last year I was in a match where Undead filled in as KH and went full retard mode managing to make us lose to U.
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I remember bballn's clan. It was quite ridiculously AWESOME. Go {AS}!!
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I would never wear another tag. It should have been turned into an inter :)
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If two guys are forming a new team (even if it's just for 45 minutes) it can be counted as match for sure. If i think of some "national teams" which are accepted, though the players of them aren't in the same clan, then any formation of a team should be accepted and respected as "enemy-team".

If you are wearing the tag of an existing clan, (even if it's just for 45 minutes) which you aren't in - then it's a "fake" for me.
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It's RVSF VS CLA, the better team will always win, regardless of their unity outside of the match. What is the point in arguing the legitimacy of a clan when there are no rules to dictate what makes them a fake or real clan?
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lol.. this is pretty simple really.

If the player who has "put on the tag" is not in that clan, then it can't be a CM as he's not part of the clan. :P

That only applies to "real" clans though... don't even get into fake clans. :PPPPP
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a lot of us do it (i think) even if it's just for fun to made up a clan and ask for CM even when you are not a real clan or even a member of the clan. There's no damage in it, even less if they let you use the tag.
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ok i think i need to add somethign here

he wanted to enter the game DURING the 2nd round OF ongoing CM....
the cm itslef wasnt over yet.... that's why i told him not to put tag on and just jump in... cuz i think that you can't just bump into clanmatch during the matchround starting to play for another clan....

i think that should not be done anywhere

as for playing with new clantag with a friend... i think it's nothing wrong with it but it should be told infront that's it's not a clanmatch but "inter"
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