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A Mod Suggestion
It would be great if someone would mod ac's HUD to look like this:

[Image: f1xxsp.png]
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i would laugh if my radar was such high quality
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I like the teams winning/losing in the hud + flags or frags(if non flag modes).
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which game's hud did you rip off :|
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(14 Nov 11, 09:58PM)SKB Wrote: which game's hud did you rip off :|

Battlefield Play4Free
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Yupp if only i knew how to code i would of done it myself :[.

P.S If you are a coder you should make a VIDEO tutorial on how to code.
pp.s Yes i got the hud elements from that battlefield game.
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Theres lots of video tutorials on how to code. AC is coded in C++ which is one of the best languages but would take time to learn. Great video tutorials here: http://thenewboston.org/list.php?cat=16
On the same site there are loads of other tutorials on how to code in other languages too.
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but cubescripting is actually hacking and if anybody should do something like this plz send me a ps i would be glad to use this kinda nice hud!!!:D
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(31 Dec 11, 09:30PM)xdEpicZombie Wrote: but cubescripting is actually hacking

* Cemer cries in laughter

Good one.
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Many CubeScript commands do not have access to the position or quality of the minimap or console elements (yet).

(31 Dec 11, 09:30PM)xdEpicZombie Wrote: but cubescripting is actually hacking

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I guess with the amount of string abuse in cubescript it can safely be considered hacks. |:D
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Anything that works in cubescript could be considered a hack.
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[cubescript]hax = lol
lol = [ echo (concat (getalias hax) $arg1); sleep 0 (concat (getalias $arg1) hax) ]

mapstartalways = [ lol hax ][/cubescript]
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Bukz, you have read my mind a little.
But the world is not ready for the full hack yet.
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I'm too scared to try that, but from what I can tell it does...nothing?
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The only thing I can assure you is that the above code WILL make you have aimbots.
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Sure it will, sure it will.
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works 100%
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(01 Jan 12, 07:48PM)V-Man Wrote: BAN!!!1

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i guess no one will attempt :(
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Probably not.
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